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About zmay.bg@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. zmay Serbia 8f61f10d02fb81fe9d775ce31d23b7bc already whitelisted on UK#10
  2. Panda i've sent you my small donation, see you online when alc level return to normal value, cheers
  3. And what is wrong with starting gear after last night update? Makarov, tent, knife, compass, map. That is so wrong, compass is valuable thing and you should make some effort finding it and i guess we will see much more tents now, empty tent every 50m :)
  4. :( I agree with kotovski, we can organize and raise some money to keep this server alive, playing here only for couple of days and already hooked on it, ideal atmosphere on server, good ratio beetween Ned Flanders guys and kos bandits :)
  5. Name : zmay Location: Serbia GUID : 8f61f10d02fb81fe9d775ce31d23b7bc