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Everything posted by h3retic

  1. This video is a remake of the original Dayz - The Survivors video uploaded by Dean Hall as advertisement for the DayZ Mod. I felt nostalgic so I remade it! Took me a while but it was worth it :) Enjoy!
  2. A funny scene from a twitch lifestream by Qweets. Getting trolled by friends is always the worst haha -h3retic
  3. h3retic

    Procedurally Generated Maps for DayZ.

    im 99.9% sure this wont happen. however there will be more variety once the game reaches 'beta' and some day eventually full release
  4. h3retic

    Horrible starts after update.

    im really annoyed by how fast current zombies are as well (thats what the latest 1gb update did), damn Usain Bolts everywhere. The line of sight and aggro mechani is definitely broken though
  5. h3retic

    I wish I could record.

    yee all ladders can cause this. call that event an initiation to dayz!
  6. h3retic

    So Sexy

    lmao that btch fabulous!
  7. h3retic

    Is this OK for young teens?

    1. this game is very fun if played with friends, but can be tough on new comers. I think 14 is perfect age to start playing a game like this. if ure worried about the attitude of other players towards your son (swearing, mature content etc), u can expect everything from good to ugly. there is no escaping the internet trolls. 2. dayz is multiplayer only and will most likely remain so.
  8. its not vsync although it is related in some cases if properly configured. now on the topic, try launching steam as admin
  9. h3retic

    Killed by Invisible Squad in Electro

    just got killed by an invisible player. by the sound of gunfire, he was right next me. quite annoying lol
  10. h3retic

    Suggested Computer settings?

    low-med texture, 1024 mb texture size, no Anti Alliasign, 16x Aniso Filter, no post processing, shadows off (-pro tip: off, makes things more visible at night), clouds off or high (high, same as shadows for nighttime). overall, ur pc should mostly run on off/low/med settings. http://www.fraps.com/ get a free version of fraps, and u can then monitor ur framerate. -check how ur frame rate reflects the settings u set. Play around with the settings and find ur best combination of quality to performance. -judging by ur system specs, id say ur fps would be around 15-50, depending on where u are in game. Dayz is currently unoptimized so expect better performance at later periods of dev.
  11. h3retic

    gate opening sounds ? QUESTION

    i actually find it a good ambient sound. it may be somewhat out of place, as not too many gates will open all by themselves, but it just adds that sense of creepiness to the game, even though it wasnt even supposed to...
  12. Sa runs worse for me as well. But the problem is that if they optimize the game now, they ll have to redo most of that once all the new features and content is added. So in other words it is to early to work on optimizing the game at this point.
  13. h3retic

    Why are you whining about FPS?

    i7 2600 @3.4 + gtx670 superclocked -----> 20-25 fps in cherno
  14. h3retic

    FORCE FED - Edit down of twitch live stream Ep.9

  15. h3retic

    Build 113953

    let it be a mystery
  16. h3retic

    Where do you find M4 Suppressors?

    All of the are badly damaged so i guess that explains why they dont work
  17. h3retic

    Hilarious Video

    been a while buddy :)
  18. ye, ure not the only one. stuff like this happens then and again
  19. h3retic

    Any way to set Max FPS?

    most of stuttering will occur regardless of fps cap, because stuttering is not simply fps drops, but "micro" freezes. and 60 fps over 30 is a huge improvement, and even 120 fps over 60 will be an improvement (though by far less noticeable). dont try to push that "eye can only see 24 frames" crap.
  20. h3retic

    DayZ Twitch PVP stream, Lets go!

    its a good stream, count it as an exception to that rule :)
  21. h3retic

    AMD fanboy song!

    tech of tomrrow doesnt stop to surprise me sometimes though
  22. h3retic

    Any way to set Max FPS?

    in my opinion limiting fps to 30 is not going to provide u with the best gaming experience. i know fps in arma (dayz) games can be somewhat of a roller coaster, but still if u can get 60 frames at least somewhere, consider urself a happy person.
  23. h3retic

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    no thank you :) good effort but we will never see skills in dayz
  24. combat logging prevention mechanism hasnt been "enabled" i nthe standalone just yet. stop the whine