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Everything posted by brutehumiliater

  1. brutehumiliater

    Clan DAGCO - Recruiting

    in-game name:brutehumiliater age:17(plz :|) experience: like last spring of winter can't remember. game playstyle: don't really care i'll do anything.(already tried everything..i think) offerings: i got beanz that one right. an extra gun. don't trust people in this game so i'll shoot if i see anyone not on the team(i give warnings and crap if i need to hold off and see if there's more people) yea so yea. :beans:
  2. brutehumiliater

    Recruiting hardcore BAD ass players for vet squad!

    in game name: brutehumiliater time played:.....idk like last winter or spring don't know play-style: hell anything you got for me. preferred play-style: the guy with a gun plz. favorite weapon: g36c silenced or not why: i don't trust ppl in game so i won't think twice about shooting. Skype brutehumiliate :beans: :thumbsup: