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About deejay2900

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    If you ain't using memes everywhere, you ain't livin' right.
  1. deejay2900

    So whats gonna happen with the night cycle?

    I agree, I haven't been able to see day, either. I'd love to see some servers that are all day.
  2. deejay2900

    if i buy the alpha version....

    There won't be a new game to buy/download that is the full release, they'll just call it the full release and it will be nothing more than an update for the people that already own it.
  3. deejay2900

    Checking your ammo in Standalone

    I will resort to what Death Dealer said.
  4. deejay2900

    Idea for gas masks

    Lol, what I mean is that the average person wouldn't have a gas mask. :P
  5. deejay2900

    Dayz mod was great game, now is not

    1. Well, walking up into a deer stand, do you really expect ammo (or a rifle) every time? 2. Use your ammo wisely. 3. Don't go running into a town carelessly, sneak into the town. Crawl across the roads, crouch walk/run the rest of the way. 4. I don't know why the loot takes time to spawn. 5. I still don't know why the problem is happening (haven't played in a long time) 6. I've never had this bug (maybe I just can't understand what you're saying) And also, standalone is coming out... I'm sure these bugs will be fixed.
  6. I will not be killing on sight unless there's a good reason for it such as both of us coming around corner and basically running into each other. There's no way I can know if he's friendly the second we see each other, and there's no way for him to know I'm friendly. So I would likely KoS in times like that. I will also be killing all bandits, of course.
  7. Well, from what I can tell, it's the DayZ Commander's server's problem. I'm not a genius at this stuff, so I would just try another method for installing DayZ. :) (Or you could wait)
  8. deejay2900

    AS50 or M107?

    I've gotten longer range kills with a Lee Enfield (1.6km) than any of the sniper rifles, but I would prefer the AS50. It's just cool like that... 100th post.
  9. deejay2900

    Reason behind your username?

    Well, Deejay comes from the mix of a DJ, my first name (Derik), and my middle name (James). The 2000 is just added, like when people say for a weird invention on the T.V. shows I watched when I was younger "The whateverthefuck 3000!" What is the 3000 for? It just makes it look cool. Also, Deejay was taken a lot (so I needed 2000), Deejay2000 is sometimes taken, so I sometimes have to use Deejay2900. The 2900 comes from my birthday (February 9 or 2/9 for a date) But I don't know why I left the 2 zeros there...
  10. deejay2900

    The Scariest Moment in DayZ EVER

    Next time I hear from Inception, it will be after he trips over a pebble and breaks his legs or he gets ran over by a cow.
  11. deejay2900

    Idea for gas masks

    Good job adding to the conversation there... I had suggested an item like this in the crafting suggestion thread (Crafting Suggestions), but my suggestion was a surgical mask. But where would you find these masks? It would be common to find rifles in peoples' homes, but gas masks? I don't think so. Would you maybe just find them in military bases (Military Loot [unless there are some crazy preppers in Chernarus])?
  12. deejay2900

    Kick for Public Variable Restriction #0

    Your CD Key wasn't stolen. It did that for me, and my friend, so I assume that it does that to everyone when they update.
  13. deejay2900

    Challenge me.

    Do your normal thing, but you can't leave the borders of Chernogorsk.
  14. deejay2900

    Is cheating still as rampant as six months ago

    I agree with the sexy beast with long, blonde hair. There are far less hackers. I haven't run into a hacker (on DayZ [i've seen a hacker in ArmA]) in a few months now.
  15. deejay2900


    There are already mountain bikes in Arma II, but they didn't put them in DayZ.