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Posts posted by ryanhowell@live.co.uk

  1. So my friend decided that it was a good idea to ride around th NW airfield in a tractor, I tried explaining to him how this would ensure in hid death but being the ignorant guy that he is, he still went to do it. I was quite surprised initially, he made it to the the barracks and the watchtower without anyone even noticing but it wasn't long until someone was shooting at the tractor and he rushed out of the airfield with it thus exploding and him dead. :D

  2. My friend keeps spawning on a empty island with a dead player there that has loot, when he logs out and back on he is still there and the loot has reset so he can grab the same gear over and over again, we just wanted to know how we can spawn on the beach on the mainland?

    Any help is appreciated.

    I hate to bump but we really need help, if you need any more information and would gladly tell you.

  3. I forgot too take off the ghillie suit and guess what....well I guess most of you know what happens. I lost NVG, gillie suit of course, M4A1 so basically lost a lot of good items that took 20+ of gameplay to achieve, plus this has happened more than once....just please if you get a suit, Take It Off Before You Log Out! :@
