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Everything posted by TDR Rag

  1. Like seriously how long does it take to update a server. ² Thank you that is all.
  2. Hello! So I'm wondering how is it possible for dayz devs to order a server to be shut down permanently, to effectively make server owners lose their server? Who gave them the right if they even have it? Let's assume they have the right to or at least the capacity to. Whoever told them they should use it? What about pussy-hosts letting them decide which server can or cannot exist? I'm really confused right now. If someone came to my house that I paid for and told me I had no right to live in it, I'd probably shot him or at least bust his knees with a bat.
  3. TDR Rag

    What about Dayz dev abuse?

    I dont host a server, I'm just wondering. try harder, son.
  4. TDR Rag

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    dont forget people suiciding to get to a better spot.
  5. I'm not sure but I think there are too many servers. We have a 70 man server and it almost never reach 50 players online anymore. What do you think?
  6. I was told you have to maintain it otherwise they eventually disappear. How does one do that, if that's even possible?
  7. TDR Rag

    Maintaining wire fences?

    nah they come back after server restart but then they randomly disappear even new ones.
  8. TDR Rag

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    what is the fixing needed to wire fences or is that the unlimited thing? Also, are they going to be wiped? (the fences already on the ground) what needs to happen asap. Allow installer to save the fences, only allow them to be installed once, toolboxes are fine for wire fences but I'm not sure about tank traps and sandbags. (you can "kick" a sandbag wall down but you cant really "destroy" it.) They should only be removable via explosions or car hits for sandbag walls/tank traps. Make them not reappear at each server restart after they have been destroyed. (also valid for tents) It only takes 2 seconds to remove them. PS: Add sandbags back to the game please! I havent seen one in weeks.
  9. TDR Rag

    Off-tent map

    Someone told me it was bannable. I dont know though, I didnt try it.
  10. I'm asking cause we are considering upgrading our server but we will only do that if they are more stable.
  11. thanks, I knew they would upgrade the server's ressources but we used to play a 50 man server in 1.6x and it wasnt that good.
  12. I love people bringing the realistic part in a zombie filled mod for a game.
  13. the hotfix makes your client crash completely...