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Everything posted by rwnic

  1. Application Name: Rob Age: 15 Time Zone: EST Country: U.S.A Are you willing to commit to the MM?: Depends. If you mean never talk to anyone else than no Preferred Job (Fell Free to select multiple jobs)!: Trooper,Ranger, Officer Why do you think you deserve to be in the MM?: Because i have the time to comit. and a computer that can run the game
  2. rwnic

    Looking For people to play Dayz with

    Would you be interested in joining a clan?
  3. The Lionsgate Brotherhood is a Military/Mercenary RP clan. We are looking for new members and high ranks are available. We are looking for mature players who are able to be active and contribute to our community in a beneficial way. Send in an application HERE For communication we use Team speak 3 which can be downloaded here
  4. rwnic

    Lionsgate Brotherhood

    Please leave a comment if you have appplied