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Everything posted by xxxtankshellxxx

  1. xxxtankshellxxx

    Gamma changing based on what you look at

    I have been noticing this a lot lately, it only does it for me on some servers. The best advice I have is try different servers to find one that wont do it. I tried 4 in a row to get one that doesn't go extremely dark unless I look directly at the ground and I think it is the hdr or bloom like you said, I tried changing both but no effect on it whatsoever the only thing that worked was a different server like I said.
  2. xxxtankshellxxx

    Pocket T-Shirt?

    Hello I have been thinking about this while now but will we ever see a pocket t-shirt? I personally would like to see one just to give me a reason to wear a t-shirt besides ripping it up right away. I don't mean start off with it either but finding one so I can wear a t-shirt with a slot under my mega vest kind of like when they previewed the combat scene for dayz with the guy limping away (if you remember the devblog). But I want to actually wear a t-shirt like that because it feels weird always having my arms covered to have any inventory. well just let me know what you guys and gals think, and I tried a search for a similar topic but found nothing so sorry if a repost.
  3. I have always been a vanilla Dayz fan, I started on it and the feeling of survival was great. Now that most servers run epoch I find myself waiting for more features in Standalone but still find time to get on for some vanilla Dayz mod.
  4. xxxtankshellxxx

    The Curse of Green Mountain

    I believe even writing about this topic is haunted went to play the video and couldn't get it to stop had to refresh the entire page. But more about green mountain, the only trouble I ever had with it is that cursed chain link fence always broke my legs or sucked me in to a group of zombies.
  5. Just to say my part in the fps issue, I also started getting it after the patch and my pc is nothing small. But I seem to have found a way around it that never has failed me as of yet. Basically I looked into the config files from main menu since my game froze and changed the rendering from Auto to 2xxx (whatever the number is, kind of cant remember off the top of my head) now I am seeing a 30+ fps boost and I am not getting any freezes or crashes. I currently run dayz 90-120 out of towns and 40-50 in towns so if anyone wants to try this and tell me if it works for them, or if I got randomly lucky on this?
  6. xxxtankshellxxx

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    If they keep the 10 minute timer for bodies disappearing I sure as hell ain't going to click the respawn button to lose my gear. On that note still to early for topics like these you cant tell me that when you get nvgs or a really nice gun your going to click respawn just because your guy has the sniffles and you don't want to run to a hospital and like said many times over already survival is its own reward.
  7. xxxtankshellxxx

    Tents! We Need Tents!

    Granted tents might make more people server hop but let them hop I will just find their tents raid them and live a happy life with all of their gear :) Also on a plus side it might make people leave the coast more trying to find others tents.
  8. xxxtankshellxxx

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    I have been playing on US 1-17 since release of the newest patch and haven't got reset as of yet the only time I got reset was on a regular server this one is a hardcore server got me the new shotgun and just helped a friend paint a mosin earlier.
  9. xxxtankshellxxx

    Add back the original stuff

    I miss my mountain dew!!!
  10. xxxtankshellxxx

    every server is dark

    Personally the night isn't bothering me ATM, I always like to grab the lanterns and run around it seems to light way better than the flashlight. But maybe the sun burnt out from all of the 24/7 daytime servers in the mod!
  11. xxxtankshellxxx

    Tree stands

    Personally I would love tree stands in game make several models, aka homebuilt wood ones, metal ones, maybe even some ones with ghillie style tape on them. They would really help in some spots maybe even for hunting animals if the animals are smarter then the mods are right now, but then again could see some problems in the high tier loot areas. That is unless the make it so the bottom of the trees your climbing have to be clear of branches.
  12. xxxtankshellxxx

    Who is loving the new update for Namalsk?

    To answer some questions the a1 blast is actually called EVR and it will hurt you unless your inside of a good shelter and as for the helmet it protects the wearer from the blast (no nasty after effects) also the update gives the players new skins fyi white ghillie s and white warm clothes as for the blood suckers just have a weapon and they are mainly around the barracks and other high value military loot also I absolutely love the new update bandits cant camp the woods unless they want to fight the blood suckers lol. Still havent found out about the heart yet let me know if someone finds out.