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Everything posted by badluckburt

  1. Never move program folders around and expect them to work after that. This guy gets the same message: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/answers/id-1853743/steam-multiple-drives.html
  2. badluckburt

    German Dayz startet nicht CRC-Prüfung

    Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht aber probieren Sie mal das .NET framework zu updaten.
  3. badluckburt

    [SA] Randomly open/closed doors

    They'd just have to save the door positions for every server instance running if you'd want it to persist. I personally wouldn't do that in the main hive but I assume the dedicated servers will have their own database for certain data so it could be stored there without any problems. Randomized opened and closed doors would be fine with me though :)
  4. I did a little search and found this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?135310-ARMA-2-OA-quot-Receiving-quot-while-in-game Icanfish may be on to something, if one of his files got corrupted the game might hang up while it tries to read data from it.
  5. Hm, then I'm clueless I'm afraid. I hope someone else can help you out.
  6. This happened to me once when I was trying out different memory allocators. I'm not sure about this at all but what I think happens is this: the engine falls so far behind with streaming data from the hard drive that it needs to halt rendering in order to catch up. One thing he could try is defragmenting his hard drive. I understand a RAM-disk is out of the question, if he has the means to get an SSD that would have the same effect. What are his system specs?
  7. You really do not want to listen, do you? I suggest you look up what a debugger does, maybe then you'll get a clue as to what it does to your performance.
  8. I'm suprised no-one mentioned the bit about the dev team running a different executable that actually has a built in debugger that tears away at performance. I'm about to jump in a game so I'm not gonna look it up but it's somewhere on the forums here, Dean explained it himself. Because of the debugger, he has to run it in lower resolution if he doesn't want a slideshow
  9. badluckburt

    Vertical look / freelook not working

    Alright, I hope that fixes your problem. If not, hopefully the video shows what's going on.
  10. badluckburt

    Vertical look / freelook not working

    That happens when you're in aiming mode. Are you in first or third person when all this occurs and is there any chance you could get some video of it? I don't know what's going on but once we see it, we might be able to figure out.
  11. If they put these in: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/07/20/article-0-0142B92D00001005-727_224x339.jpg I'm changing my name to BadLuckBurka
  12. badluckburt

    New map idea?

    There's nothing stopping you from educating yourself
  13. badluckburt

    Handcuff question?

    Thanks, I see what you're saying and do partly agree. If people started cussing me out and did other immature things, I wouldn't be alive very long as a hostage. I'm also not the kidnapping type but I might handcuff someone that I've knocked out, wait till they recover and strike up an interrogation to see what kind of people they are and if I should let them go :P
  14. badluckburt

    Handcuff question?

    Guess it's not for everyone. Can I ask if you would kidnap someone else in the game? :) Also, if I had the feeling that it might turn into an annoying ride, I will follow suit and get myself killed. However, if someone's actually roleplaying their character I'll happily follow along. I know those occasions will be rare but when it happens it'll be totally worth it.
  15. badluckburt

    New map idea?

    Why do you have no way of making it yourself?
  16. badluckburt

    RAM to play DayZ

    Not really. 4GB is the minimal amount you need to run the newer Windows versions so I'm kinda stumped as to why you said this. I'd go for 8GB minimum. It gives you the option to add a RAM-disk and move some PBOs if you find the performance lacking.
  17. badluckburt

    Handcuff question?

    A whole lot of fun :) I've been shot at and killed for no reason. But I've never been kidnapped and would welcome the change very much. There's always a chance to survive as long as you're alive plus it gives the hero-type players someone to save :P It also gives non-violent players a chance to knock someone out, restrain them and retreat to safety. Have you seen TWD episode where Rick runs into his old friend from the first season? He restrains him so he can try to reason with him.
  18. badluckburt

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    I'm not going to ask for screenshots but could you elaborate a little bit on what other facial cover we could expect? If I wanted to go incognito I'd just tie a bandana over my face and pretend I'm a desperado instead of wearing an entire mask.
  19. badluckburt

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    Just shoot whoever's wearing the mask, take it and drop it on the bottom of the ocean if it bothers you that much. That's probably what I'll be doing. :)
  20. badluckburt

    idea for make player hide in long grass

    I think Fluxley's link is the post you were referring to?
  21. Yes, I won't argue that putting up a public repository would speed up the bugfixes :) I've used DarT myself a few weeks back and it did suffer from some peculiar and annoying bugs so I do hope the source is published.
  22. badluckburt

    November Round-up

    Someone give this man a medal.
  23. You're confusing open-source and freeware. Freeware only implies that the software is free for anyone to obtain.
  24. badluckburt

    November Round-up

    The longer I look at that picture, the creepier it gets. Maybe he can be one of the easter eggs?
  25. badluckburt

    First Build, Will it run DayZ?

    But what if he wants to leave 3 discs in?