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About Xair

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  1. While playing on US 1911 about 5 minutes ago got into a firefight with two players, Shot and killed both of them with a m1014 I found on a body, I watched them spawn back on their body and ended up getting 4 murders and - 2 bandit kills on the same two people. Names were John (Definitely) and also Josh (Not Completely Sure)
  2. Xair

    Video Series - Day Z Highlights

    I just got some really good footage... enough for two videos, the first having something to do with grenade launchers and ghillie snipers, the second looting repairing and defending a helicopter in cherno stay tuned one of the two videos coming up later today or early tommorow.
  3. DAY Z - Highlights This is a series where i will be posting the highlights of my day z gameplay, The amount of content I can put out varies... It depends on the kind of footage I get ingame. Uploads will be random, but will try to make at the minimum of one every week but most likely tons more. Day Z Highlights will feature many short clips of things in day z happening such as, firefights, sniping, squad gameplay, vehicles, explosions, general goodtimes and whatever I feel necessary to put on youtube. Episode one - Helicopter Shootout! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLbl1eoatVg&feature=plcp Episode two - Super Happy Funtime Tractor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wb6cI4-lVA&feature=plcp
  4. Yeah but it was my first time seeing a heli in the air IN-game so I just had to take a couple random shots at it :) still had fun, learn from mistakes... ill be silent and follow that bastard next time though!
  5. After finding a completely trashed helicopter in Cherno full of ghillie camo svd m4 silenced and other goodies, i began to head up north. I logged off in a forest and after a couple hours came back logged in and well... this happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLbl1eoatVg&feature=plcp Stupid youtube won't let me upload a custom thumbnail because im not partnered, i guess it was a waste making them for this and the 7 for the episodes afterwards.... anyways enjoy.
  6. Sorry, Double Post on Accident Please Remove.
  7. Xair

    [VIDEO] The Tractor

    Something like this happened to me and some friends but we had a car and a bus... the bus exploded and my friend in the car drove around us in circles laughing his ass off ;)
  8. Xair

    [Video] My first Crashed Heli

    Yeah youtube said that it could fix some "shaking" issues I fixed it now it should be normal
  9. Hey guys this is the first time i've ever found a crashed heli... the loot wasn't that good but i posted it anyways to test game recording quality and audio quality and such. Tell me what you think! https://www.youtube....<br /><br /> The loot: FN-FAL Bison PP-19 SD M14 AIM Was hoping for something better but not bad for starting out gear.
  10. lol i like how he keeps telling everyone their mad, while he continues to insult everyone because he lost his precious gear Right when you start your character hes already dead get used to it...
  11. After playing 1.7.1 since it came out (Long Night No Life :D) I've noticed that the game has increased in difficulty. Which is just my style. But apparently it isn't to most people on the forums. I can tell that most of the so called *Spidey Senses* of zombies is waaaay to exaggerated. I literary ran through Stary Sobor a couple zombies here and there aggro'd not to many more than before. People are saying that zombies are pretty much running from other towns to get them (Im exaggerating about exaggerations). This is simply not true. You can run into a building and out the back not a single zombie will follow you. Or it least none did the 30 or so times i did this. And after a while i died to a bug where zombies spawn instantly at deer stands. No big deal, Spawned outside cherno no gun or anything (Loving it btw) ran into cherno found an m16, double barrel shotgun (Which is awesome) m14 acog, ak 47 and a coyote elite backpack. Take in account that i found these items within 10-15 minutes of spawning. Honestly I don't think that this patch ruined the game, although gun spawns could be turned down a bit and also zombie spawns do need to be fix'd but it's an alpha. Something many complainers have been told many times and it's true but people want it to work cause they bought the game and think that it's supposed to work the way they want it to and they want it to be the baby of Left for Dead and Call of Duty but its not and hopefully never will be. Oh also the crawly zombies look like something off the ring and they scare me :) /rant
  12. Xair

    Sniper trolling
