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About Wailwulf

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  1. Wailwulf

    DayZ Mod Update

    To the developers, You guys are pure evil. Everytime I kill an animal and go to gut it, the Zombies around me argo. Damn them and the ability to smell fresh blood. I was turned in to Long-Pig Bacon. Fired the Makrov and was swarmed. Excellent. Guns should really be a last choice. The Zeds do need some work. I feel they argo to easily, I have had it where the near ones walk right pass me, but somehow I catch the attention of one 200 feet away. But then they lose interest way too early. They spawn insanely. Too quickly and too close. Example, I was was in a town and saw three Zeds spawn, waited for them to scoot, killing one. Entered the button and scavenged, then went to the building across the street and before I enter I see 3 more Zeds spawning at the same location. There should be a Mininum and maxinum distance for spawning. Once you clear an imeadiate area, shouldn't have to worry about Zeds coming out of that shack you were just at. Then also, some areas, that should only have a few Zeds, do to the spawning can increase to a very high number, example Castle Rog, which is way in the middle of nowhere, spawns Zeds over and over. Either that, place numerous tour busses near the castle. Then I have had Zeds chargibg me, and suddenly, all dead and active Zeds just dissapear and Zeds start respawning near me. One thing I would love to see is running across Zeds in the middle of no where, like in the woods.
  2. No, I did mean permently dead. Zombies killed by players are no going to live again.
  3. I looked at the stats, and between Zombies killed and survival attempts, nearly a third of the worlds current population (7.1 billion) is now permently dead.
  4. Wailwulf

    DayZ Mod Update

    Patch I have run across some weird Zombie behavior, especially seems to concern in their spawning. I first noticed this on a private server while in Elektros at the building site on the Eastern edge of the city. A massive group of Zeds all mobbed together, stuck in place: Today, I was on a Public Hive Server (Bad Wolves) and was at Castle Rog. I first came across a Zed, dead at the small tower near the stair platform. Made me think there might be a survivor near by, but there wasnt. Except for 3 4 Zed that I spotted, I came across Zed spawned in buildings and in most cases, stuck that it seemed to limit their aggressiveness. Zed 1 Zed 1 attacked me and actually hit me. Zed 2 Completely passive. Zed 3&4 Zed #3 walked to the platform and stayed there. Both were passive. Zed 5 A semi passive zed, he turned and I killed him. Zed 6 This Zed turned to attack. Zed 7 Zed 7 turned when I climbed over the wall to attack him. The Zed on the floor is the dead one I found when I arrived. I think he spawned where zed 11 did and fell off. Zed 8 Aggressive like Zed #1 laying there on the ground, but missed. Zed 9 Passive zed. Zed 10 Passive Zed 11 This is where I think the Zed on the ground spawned and fell off before I got a visual. After a bit of running around, I could here the Zed in the tall tower so took a video. This time, one of the Zed was quite aggresive which made it fun and scary. but the rest were what I was typically coming up against. The Zeds I have met in the upen are aggressize when I get noticed
  5. Completly agree except there should be scoped rifles on the caliber of deer hunting rifles. But high end, high tech scopes and weapons, yes lose them. I would also remove GPS. GPS requires satelites which require substantial infrastructure to keep operating. Do not think that infrastructure will exist or be kept up in the ZA.
  6. Snipers should be with thier unit, or already roaming around the countri side after you arrive. You are not a Sniper, you are a survivor. Just washed up on the beach. The way I look at it, during this Outbreak, the military has been defeated, they had no time to keep their weapons clean and in operating condition. I would think most most of the high-end, rarer style of weapons would be dirty, grimy, and worn, basically ready to blow up in the face of any civillain that tries to use it. And use them up. Wear them out. To the point that most would have broken under the onslaught of the hordes, or end up being dropped in the dirt and mud as as the soldier ran away when all was lost. Or how about that soldier that held onto his weapon when he was attacked, his gore would be all over it. And then some survivor comes along a week/month later. Where is this survivor that finde a weapon coverd in gore, dirt and muddy get the training to clean it? Don't say he was in the military, for I am sure anyone with military training has been called up to deal with the outbreak.
  7. I just started playing back in late December. The first time I had actually gotten fairly well in land was when I made it to Castle Rog from the three valleys area. I would hit the spawn points and then hide up on the shorter tower, with the outside, wooden staircase, and organize my loot. While up there, I start hearing agro'ing Zombies and heavy breathing. I go to the the top of the staircase platfrom and see a survivor crawling towards the tallest tower's entrance, with a crawler and a walker after him. I conclude the survivor most likely had a broken leg. With the crawler closest to him I open fire, expending the entire clip of my just found Lee Enfield at the crawler. Must have given the survivor a friggin' heart attack. I reload and aim down on the Walker and the star railing is in the way, so I side step and fall, breaking my leg and passing out. Came too just enough to see the Walker eating me and I died.
  8. Wailwulf

    DayZ Memes

  9. Primary guns (rifles) take ten slots in your backpack, secondaries (pistols) take five slots in your backpack
  10. I have a questions. If I pitch a tent, will it be at that location on just the server I was on or or will it exist across all servers? And for vehicles, is it just for the server you are on, and is there anything one needs to do to save them at that location?
  11. For me, Wailwulf came from the Anglo-Saxon puem, Battle of Maldon. It tells the tale of a Anglo-Saxon chief and his tribe fight a group of Viking raiders. The poem refers to some of the heroic Saxons as "Feeders of hawks and eagles" where it reffered to the invading Vikings as "feeders of crows and wolves" and reffered to one Viking as a "wailwulf" which literaly translates to "Slaughter Wolf" (or 'Wolf of Slaughter'). Did a search on Google at the time (1999?) and found no results, so claimed it for my own nick. The thing is, I am usually the one getting slaughtered.
  12. Wailwulf

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    I know about pitching tents, but have no knowledge in how they work. If I pitch a tent to keep supplies, will it exist only on the server that I pitched it? or will it exist across all servers in the hive? or will it just fade away when I leave the server? Basically, same thing about vehicles, I know folk store gear in them, but how do they keep the car from going poof over days of game play?
  13. Wailwulf

    Why can't I pick up backpacks?

    I just had the same problem. Found an assualt pack. dropped my Coyote pack and could pick up neither. Even emptied my inventory and still couldn't pick up either back pack, and in the process, most of what I dropped disappeared. Tried when I next logged in. When you see Open ____ Pack, need to scroll the mouse button till you get Take pack
  14. Wailwulf

    Screen goes Black after 5 Minutes

    Well did what you said and once it went to black opened up Task manager and NVtray was not in the processes. Turns out Gamebooster was configured to shut it down. Changed it and then ran DayZ and never recieved the dreaded black during testing. So hopefully problem is solved. Thanks.
  15. Wailwulf

    Screen goes Black after 5 Minutes

    SPECs: OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz, 2800 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 Video card RAM: 512 MB As to settings, most graphic is now "Normal" with antiailising and such disabled. Every time I have tried DayZ it has been a daylight server, and for about 5 minutes, the sun is shining and them there is a momentary freeze and the screen goes black. This only happens with DayZ. I can play Arma 2 Vanilla for hours with no problems. But DayZ and screen goes black in about 5 minutes.