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About lookitsaghost

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. lookitsaghost

    -[SAGA]- Is now open for Recruitment.

    Played over the weekend with these fellas and it was great, best fun I had since playing this game. They showed a great level of teamwork & co-operation. If you are looking for a group that is lay'd back and can turn serious when in a gunfight then you should check them out.
  2. lookitsaghost

    -[SAGA]- Is now open for Recruitment.

    Age: 21 Timezone: Est. Have a mic?: Yes Teamspeak3/steam/Skype info: Steam ID. EpitaphofCrimson Other contact info: Prefered team role? (Assault, Medic,etc): Sniper How often do you play/When can you play?: 10+ hrs weekends 4-5 hrs weekdays Side note: I'd like to give you guys a try to see if im a good fit for your group.