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About ghostsniper189

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. This is one nice topic! I would really love to see most of this in Standalone :)
  2. In the next week we will be doing a 'Hunt the Admin's' challenge! FInd the 4 Ural Admin convoy, that is carrying high military grade weapons and equipment! Stocked with goodies! Find out more about this event at www.rpz-hive.tk
  3. We also have a Mumble server, that you can use to communicate with your groups that you teamed up with! Also this server does not want you to use Voice in side chat, that's why Mumble is there for you! Find the mumble server information when you join the server, as its shown in the loading screen or visit the forums! as we have made a topic there for you how to connect to the Mumble server!
  4. UK DayZ - Ghost's Private Hive - Rock Paper Zombie | [GMT-4] (1.7.6 / 102591) Hosted by HFB Server Our server is a character migrated server from Rock Paper Zombie, Which had to be shut down to save up for Standalone Server hosting GhostSniper volunteered to keep hosting the Rock Paper Zombie server, and the characters all moved over to this server This server has friendly admins, that are available almost 24 Hours a day, Hosted by a professional server hoster that hosts many Battlefield 3 servers and other game servers, and has a hosting company name called GhostCrafServers or GhostCraftStudios. What you will find on our server is a friendly player environment, hacker free servers Visit our forums now at www.rpz-hive.tk! Join us now! And get geared up with action packed adventures and action!
  5. ghostsniper189

    Arma 2 OA Steam Help!

    I have contacted them several times through there site but no answers. But is there any possible way of doing it? EDIT: One of my mates just told me there's a program called CD Key changers made for people to change there keys Will that work?
  6. ghostsniper189

    Arma 2 OA Steam Help!

    Ok few weeks ago I got a Global Ban message from BattleEye and can't play multiplayer on OA. I do not know why i got this, I also did not have anything else third party installed apart from DayZ. And I also know that server admins can't global ban you! I now want to play OA again and DayZ. But I have it on steam, And I'm confused on this part! If I uninstall the game on steam, It told me a message saying the game will still show in the library because i have it purchased. But I want to buy a new version of OA meaning new CD Key so I can play again. How can I do this! I want to get it on steam not a CD Version! How can i fully remove it, including from my steam account too? so new version with a new key can work! because I cannot purchase it even if I have it uninstalled I think!