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Everything posted by JohnSteele

  1. JohnSteele

    POLL: US70 Game Settings

    I agree with everything! Lets make it happen!
  2. Skins. Where do they spawn?! Further intel is always welcome, like how does the loot look laying on the ground, probability of spawning and screenshots of how they look. Cheers -JohnSteele82nd
  3. JohnSteele

    Skins. Where do they spawn?!

    Got a ghilli suit as well. Really awsm. Also found 2x camo suit in general store.
  4. JohnSteele

    Skins. Where do they spawn?!

    I alrdy found one! A 'camo green' in the store with the counter, loot looks like a brown rapped in package. The skin I was wearing did not save itself in my inventory or backpack tho, be advised.
  5. JohnSteele

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I've seen lots of heatpacks, but not skins. Where do they spawn Mr. Rocket? I went back to survivor skin again, gay.
  6. JohnSteele

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    You need to give people things to do. After having collected nice gear there is not much you can do! All we do is go to military camps to get good loot if someone needs it, after that not much happens. We get cars and choppers and fix them up, but what to do with em? Its fun for a while but there is no real objective you feel like you want to achieve.
  7. JohnSteele

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Add in missions we can do, right now all we find fun, after gathering gear, is hunting players and having gunfights.
  8. JohnSteele

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Haha sounds epic! Love those kind of encounters.
  9. JohnSteele

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Im a bandit and highest score for me was 25 murders + 15 bandits before I died. Humanity was around -220k before it was removed from the game. To me, and many others I imagine, the best thing about DayZ are the pvp gunfights. Because you are so afraid of losing the battle and die, thus losing all your precious gear, it becomes so intense! Way more intense than cod or bf3, its a completely different experience. Also killing AI zombies is not really interesting for me. Once I got good gear I want to do something, right now its hunting down players together with some people I know on voice comms. Just running around in the wilderness is no fun for me, killing AI zombies is no fun for me. I like to track down groups of people and kill them. I want to feel the action and intensity of it. This will prolly also get a bit boring after a while so I hope some kind of missions will be added. Things you can actually do once you collected good gear rather than just 'staying alive'.
  10. JohnSteele

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Status on patch release?
  11. JohnSteele

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Ty for replying. Keep on the good work!
  12. JohnSteele

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Indeed. Many of us are waiting for an update to start playing again. The body dissapearing fix is what Im waiting for. Im together with a couple players with good gear, if one of us is down we want to protect his body and kit. Or atleast be able to get his from his body properly. Unfortunately they dissapear now. So we are waiting. Patch ETA?
  13. JohnSteele

    Death in DayZ

    Good post tbh.
  14. JohnSteele

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Mr. Rocket any idea on patch ETA?