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Everything posted by Willard1118

  1. Willard1118

    What's Your Story?

    lol at the truck
  2. Willard1118

    Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

    Am I the only one who has trouble staying alive that long?
  3. Willard1118


    I agree, I won't mind losing the crosshair. But I would mourn the loss of 3rd person.
  4. Willard1118

    DayZ - What we hear a lot

  5. Willard1118

    I take your brand labels and substitute my own!

    Bacon-in-a-can. "The Meat of life, for those few left Alive"
  6. Willard1118

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    He really is overreacting isn't he? :)
  7. Willard1118

    Tanks in DayZ - they exist!

    It can't shoot.
  8. I'm pretty sure the silenced ak74 is legit on namalsk? I've found one spawned in a barracks, and used it till I ran out of all three SD mags I had. No problems with admins. I don't know if hackers can make items spawn at regular spawn points, But for sure stay away from hacker boxes. (might just be bad admins)
  9. Willard1118

    Heroes - Confession to a skill system revolution?!

    While I agree, I think "skills" adding value to a specific life would be good for the game. Maybe not a "grind" to gain skills, but like finding a book that teaches you how to work on a car engine faster?
  10. Willard1118


    I don't have any problem with bandrity, it keeps the game interesting. But killing someone who isn't armed? Thats not okay. Being a bandit should be about either getting better gear, or getting into some good old fashioned shootouts. If you like killing new spawns for the thrill of it, you need to start going head to head with actual geared up players, so head North.
  11. Willard1118

    Namalsk - PKP Machine Gun

    The pkp certainly is big :)
  12. Willard1118

    The Most Peaceful Places On Chernarus

    What about the Islands?
  13. Willard1118

    Opinions on this behaviour

    I hope somebody tries this with me, because I'll just take the car and drive off.
  14. Willard1118

    Chicken Eggs, Cow milk

    Take the milk, then kill the cow for meat. Everybody wins! (except the cow)
  15. Willard1118

    Stalking the animal that is known as "Bandits"

    One of the greatest DayZ vids I have ever seen :) its hilarious! Please keep 'em coming.
  16. Willard1118

    I come from the gutters...

    its all good. Welcome to the community. :) Just curious, but why did you think it was better?
  17. Willard1118

    Is there any decent gear in cherno??

    On dead bandits.
  18. Willard1118

    So I just got the game, need some tips!

    Use hatchets for fighting infected.
  19. Willard1118

    Public servers unplayable

    Search for a whitelisted server, its what you want :).
  20. Willard1118

    Disappointment (warning: pointless!)

    Didn't seem like a flame to me, just a suggestion. Anyway, part of the fun of dayz for a beginner is looting towns full of zombies. Just find a low population server and get to looting. when you feel like zombies aren't a problem anymore try a high population server. that's how I did it, and I didn't have too much problems with hackers on the smaller servers.
  21. Willard1118

    A new players home

    Sounds great. I'm surprised I haven't seen this idea before, it's a good one. Since diseases are going to be big, maybe staying clean might be important? Might lessen the chance of infection. Don't some RVs have showers? a mobile sanitation station? :) I put too much thought into these things.
  22. If you find video, be sure to post it up :)
  23. Willard1118

    my first f- yeah

    Surviving those "oh sh-!" moments are always fun. Have fun with your FAL
  24. Willard1118

    Can't get a fresh spawn

    can't do it. (on the public hive)
  25. Willard1118

    Broken Down Squad Cars With Interactive Light Bars

    I like it. Also maybe randomly spawned, broken down ambulances with medical supplies? The police cars could also have some supplies in the trunk.