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Everything posted by Willard1118

  1. Willard1118

    Euphoria character animation in standalone

    looks amazing, but unfortunately it probably isn't gonna happen.
  2. Name: Will Age: 17 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Teamspeak- Willard Mic?: Laptop Mic Experience in game: Couple of months, can't pilot helos but that's about it Timezone: east coast of U.S. Bio: I have been solo so far, but want to try clan play. I am also looking to be a Medic. In game Name: Will
  3. Willard1118

    The 'Hide Body' System

    good ideas. also the fact that disease is going to be big in standalone could mean players can use their dead to their advantage. Maybe leaving a dead body in a players tent could infect all of the items in it? leaving the dead in ponds or other water sources? Anyway, great thread, I look forward to seeing more Ideas.
  4. Willard1118

    Survival Driving

    sounds great to me. Good idea.
  5. Willard1118

    Weather, Water, Terrain and Hygiene

    Love everything you said. also, the beard part could be a way to show how long a player has survived.
  6. I have never traded before, just a heads up. HAVE: -DMR-4 to 5 mags, not all are full -M16 M203-3 to 5 mags, not all are full, one m203 flare :) -G17- no ammo Looking for: -cz550 or m24, with ammo -PDW, preferably with ammo -Range Finder -camo clothing Even if you don't have what I am looking for, feel free to offer up PM me with any offers
  7. Age:17 Experience: a couple months. I can fend for myself but can't fly helos or snipe What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like being sneaky but i want to be a Medic Bio: on the U.S. east coast, and am a friendly Why would you like to join: need people to play with I only like carying one primary, and can help carry car parts and whatnot.
  8. Willard1118

    Humanity ladder ranking

    I like the "checking in" one. The other person doesn't even have to know you're there :)
  9. Willard1118

    Fuel as a rarity

    Love the idea. Definitely need more vehicles and less gas. Maybe a "filling station" could only fill one or two jerry cans before needing an hour cooldown? should also be a few extra zombie spawns around fueling points.
  10. awesome story! I love situations like that, and hope the standalone will lead to many more zombie attacks. who knows, maybe it will force some survivers to work together just to survive, whether they want to or not.
  11. Willard1118

    A video of revenge

    Badass. But It might even be better to kill them one at a time, and retreat, over several days, and make sure they know who it is, every time. They may just spawn in again and get their gear back, but psychological warfare pays the sweetest revenge.
  12. That was great, but unfortunately its also very true.
  13. Willard1118

    Ambient reminders of social collapse.

    Maybe there is a permanent mob of infected trying to reach the speaker? Just a thought ;)
  14. I think Rocket infected those poor NPCs just for our own amusement, its barbaric!
  15. Willard1118

    Why does everone shoot frist?

    some people enjoy ruining someones day, some peple may need food or like your gun, and others simply don't trust anybody. It just makes it even better when you find a friendly :)
  16. If a zombie is close enough to hear the shot, it will run towards you. using silenced weapons, hatchet, crowbar, or crossbow will not attract zombies. breaking line of sight or running uphill are the best ways to lose them. Food and water are easiest to find in supermarkets. Remember players, not zombies, are the real threat.
  17. Willard1118

    Take on helicopters (DayZ SA)

    While I have never bothered trying to get or fly a helo, I love the idea of making them insanely hard to fly. It's not likely that your average survivor could fly a helo, and implementing this could really add value to befriending a player that knows their way around a helo. Would be interesting to see clans fight over a helo pilot :)
  18. Willard1118

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    Tranquilizer gun bow machete
  19. Willard1118

    Caves? Hideouts?

    I think it would be cool to have some small, randomly generated caves (almost like a Helo crash site) that have leftover supplies from a recently infected surviver. it would really add to the immersion aspect of the game.
  20. Willard1118

    Ok I must be insane..

  21. Willard1118

    DayZ 2017 - Day 0

    great story! I too am loving 2017 and all of the intense worry that comes from having raw meat but no matches :) The night play is very fun, and so far I have been chased by a guy with an ax and a zombie train behind him. The lack of guns and abundance of axes leads to some very interesting interactions lol I think this is the best of DayZ yet.
  22. Willard1118

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    I'm having trouble getting in... it says I have a bad version and that the servers rejected me. Anyone know how to fix it?