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Everything posted by Dredixx

  1. Dredixx

    need a helicopter

    I know I know sounds like a bad deal but I need an AS-50 + the mags and I cannot seem to find one anywhere. I get a ground vehicle so I will do fine without the heli.
  2. Dredixx

    need a helicopter

    I will give you a Heli with an AS50 its not the best one though and should only be on half tank. Not giving you the gear to repair it though :o although this will come fully repaired.
  3. Dredixx

    -LOST TO ADMIN, US 3949-

    Could I please have an M24 please. 2 Mags + a G17 with NVG and a Range Finder please. For this I shall give you a UAZ
  4. Hello guys I have been wondering around DayZ for ages and I was looking for somebody that could get me a car for pretty much anything they want. Sounds crazy I know but my clan has loads of guns AS50's and all that stuff but they don't have any vehicles. We were recently ambushed by a group of bandits and lost our only car which was a UAZ. I will settle for pretty much any other car or truck. Im offering 3 AS50's full tools, ghillie suit whatever you want really. Hive server please respond A.S.A.P