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Everything posted by aLLSTAR1

  1. aLLSTAR1

    Buying MK48

    What I got is DMR AS50 M14 Aim Bizon SD Tents M9SD M249 SAW Tell me what u want
  2. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for Stanag SD Mags

    What I got is DMR Mags M24 Mags M107 Mags SVD Mags Frag Grenade M4A!
  3. aLLSTAR1

    What would you be willing to trade for these items..

    a M14 AIM with few Mags or DMR with few mags for motorcycle
  4. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for M9SD+Mags

    Im offering anything of this. Coyote BP, M14 AIM, Bizon SD, PDW
  5. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for M9SD+Mags

    Deal. Skype next1337 Steam blubla24
  6. aLLSTAR1

    Selling AS50 FOR M107

    AS50 FOR M107, dont need any mags
  7. aLLSTAR1

    Sell SVD Camo or M4A1 CCO SD for a DMR + mags

    Im giving my DMR with around 5 Mags for an SVD Camo with 3 clips. Deal? Skype next1337 Steam blubla24 Cheers :3
  8. aLLSTAR1

    Buying MK48 + mags

    Im looking to buy an MK48 with a few mag clips. What I currently own is: (Please be fair with ur offers) -AS50 -PDW -Bizon SD -DMR -M14 AIM -CZ 550 -FN FAL NVG All my guns have ammo for their types. Im willing to do an instant 1:1 trade with some of my weps, or take a look at ur offers :3
  9. aLLSTAR1

    Buying MK48 + mags

    Deal. SKype next1337 Steam blubla24
  10. aLLSTAR1

    Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

    Ionly need MK48, RF or NVG
  11. aLLSTAR1

    Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

    I need Mk48, NVG or GPS for it?
  12. aLLSTAR1

    Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

    NVG, RF for Mk48 + SVD, both with mags
  13. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for M9SD+Mags

  14. aLLSTAR1

    Selling AS50, M4SD,M14 Aim

    Selling AS50, M4SD,M14 Aim
  15. aLLSTAR1

    Trading L85A2 AWS

    RF, NVG, GPS and Coyote?
  16. aLLSTAR1

    Trading Mk48, M4A1 Holo and other rare guns for L85,NVGs or RF

    SVD + MK48 For NVG OR RF?
  17. Tell me what ever u need we got every legitim item in the game. Cheers :3
  18. aLLSTAR1

    Selling Coyote's, NVG's, RF's, Weapons

    Offers. Im looking for SVD Camo mostly.
  19. aLLSTAR1

    Selling AS50, M4SD,M14 Aim

  20. aLLSTAR1

    Lookin for m4a1 cco sd + Ammo

    Hey, Lookin for m4a1 CCO SD + 6-7 Mags (SD) What I got is GPS NVG RF Cheerz :3
  21. Selling everything over here FN FAL AV (NV SCOPE) DMR + MAGS RGO Frag Grenades (most powerful) x10 SVD Mags x10 FN FAL MP5SD + MAGS Ill update the list Most looking for Nightvisiongoogles Rangefinder GPS Ghille Suit M107 M4A1 CCO SD!
  22. aLLSTAR1

    Traders and Traitors

    Sinfulsebastian, had a nice trade, fine DayZ'er
  23. aLLSTAR1

    Guns for NVG ghillie

    what for M107 + M4SD? FN Fal NV/MK48+Mags/Mp5SD/RGO Grenades/ SVD Drag mags?
  24. aLLSTAR1

    Selling RF, NVG, GPS

    I've got a RF, NVG, GPS Please offer.
  25. aLLSTAR1

    Trading m107&Bizon for AS50+Ammo

    Interested i an FAL AV no mags for that ghille?