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Everything posted by aLLSTAR1

  1. only 1 coyote,and i need it myself. Now I mostly need M107, m4a1 cco sd, rangefinder
  2. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for ghillie suit, trading for it

    I have a ghillie suit. Add me on steam, ill trade it for something nice @ blubla24 Just list me some items uve got and willing to trade for one :) Cheers.
  3. aLLSTAR1

    Anyone looking for Nightvisions or Rangefinders?

    well, m4 + 2 ghille?
  4. aLLSTAR1

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD/Ghillie suits for NVG'S

    Ive got NVG. Add me on steam at blubla24
  5. Do u got a list of items that u got and willing to trade
  6. aLLSTAR1

    Have NVGs and more, need Ghillie and SVD-Camo

    Ive got a pair of nightvison, what do u got?
  7. aLLSTAR1

    Have NVGs and more, need Ghillie and SVD-Camo

    One ghille for an as50?
  8. Ive got 2 nightvisions. Do you got a m4a1 cco sd? I would do 2 NVG for 1 m4a1 cco sd + 1 camo/civilian Also wrote a pm :)
  9. aLLSTAR1

    Anerag's Guns and Gear

    a coyote for a M249 + 1 mag or a SVD camo with 3 mags?
  10. Im looking for one of these: -Camo Clothing -Ghillie Suit -Civilian Clothing -Coyote Backpack (24 Slots) I have this: Nightvision Rangefinder M9SD with few mags MK48 Mod 0 MP5SD6 (no ammo) AKS Kobra Tell me what u'd like and please dont be a d*ckhead Ill give my MK48 for Coyote + any clothing. Tell me please!
  11. What do u got Tell me in a PM waht you got, im only playing on hive servers (DE), that where we deal, just PM me what u willing to offer/got!
  12. aLLSTAR1

    Need Anything From Weapons To Beans? Click Here!

    What for ghillie, camo or civilian clothing?
  13. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for l85, nvg, tents, or m14 aim

    Ive got nightvision googles, and m14 aim, add me on steam blubla24 to discuss.
  14. aLLSTAR1

    Looking for an M16A4 ACOG

    Got one, m16a4 ACOG, With ammo if needed, add me on steam or leave me an message with what u got to offer! Steam -> blubla24