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Everything posted by tilen

  1. All that talk about anti-hacking measures being the reason for a year-long delay makes me wonder whether we'll have another outcry on the forums once the game is released... if you know what I mean. Forgive me for being a skeptical pessimist.
  2. Never did I say that I don't understand it.
  3. Exactly. I would venture a guess that they have better measures of controlling such things. The notion of them doing things like this and leaving them to chance is just ridiculous.
  4. This, to me, is a very... weird... logic. Uh... they're going to release the game (Alpha) under the radar to prevent too many players from playing it?
  5. It's gonna be hard to survive if all you do is bicker with your fellow survivors, guys.
  6. Well I, for one, demand a foot meter in the final release!
  7. The game is progressing nicely! :thumbsup:
  8. tilen

    Arma 3 and dayz?

    Wait, what? You need ArmA 2: CO + ArmA 3 to be able to play? Lol.
  9. So that's your friend in the sig picture? Riiiiight...
  10. Because some things cannot be controlled. You may choose not to show them or to deny that you have them, but they will be there. So you wouldn't be doing anything useful by controlling them, merely lying to yourself that you do not care, or care less, for said person. My opinion.
  11. Haha, you're talking as if you could control your feelings. John Rambo over here!
  12. What I'd give to be able to play DayZ SA right now... Gah! :)
  13. To me it sounded a lot like he's setting up for a let-down, what with all the talking about not buying the game in early alpha, it having a lot of bugs and still needing a lot of work (few months till playable) etc. But this is just how I interpreted it. I hope that both I am wrong and that the game is progressing nicely. I really do wish Dean and his team the best.
  14. Joe no offense buddy but with all that sarcasm you're starting to look like a fanboi. :P
  15. Yeah that's what I heard as well. #Months related:
  16. Never. Waste. Semen. Not cool.
  17. Yes, it will follow the ArmA 3/ Minecraft model (Alpha-->Beta--->Full release (LOL)). Hopefully it will be soon, Rocket said it will be soon, but yeah... :D
  18. I disagree. If I state facts, such as: "the release date for Day Z SA has not yet been set. It is still in pre-alpha stage and thus a work in progress", I am being objective. There's nothing wrong with subjective criticism as long as it is made clear that it is something you have a problem with, especially if it is about something that may or may not be there (seeing as Day Z SA is being worked on, nothing is final). That being said my previous post was not meant as a personal attack. I was merely pointing out that before you write personal opinions as truths, make it apparent, because some people might actually mistake them for such. The game is still being worked on. A few pages back there was even a quote from Rocket himself, saying that the animations you saw were a placeholder- not final at all!
  19. Your criticism is unfounded because it has been said countless times that the ones that were shown are not final and are still work in progress. You may not have liked them but that's your personal opinion and you should make it clear that it is.