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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    M24 Night Vision scope

    The m24 is a long range sniper, and doesnt need nvg compatibilty to be fair. Leave it how it is.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Things you've never found

    SVD Camo MK 48 mod 0
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Community Dying? Too many hackers?

    People are playing private hives with lingor/takistan/utes. They arent counted as theyre not official servers. The numbers would be 100/120,000 or more.
  4. Find a boat, satchel charge it. and drive it out there. Or find a rocket launcher.
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    M136 - Very Rare - Rocket Launcher

    You dont have to drop your backpack for it. Put it in your pack. When you want to use it jus drop your pack on the ground, take it out, and blow your enemy to oblivion.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Tell about your first kill.

    My first kill was a long time ago, when the mod first started out, but i remember it well. It was the first player i ever saw. He came running over to me, i said "Hi". He shot his makarov 8 times at me from 30 feet. I shot him in the head once. He fell to the ground. I learned a lot about trust that day.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    [Video] We're Both Dumb

    Picks up hacked weapon, both die shortly after. Lesson to be learned here.
  8. Single player ? Really ? That would be around 5 minutes of shooting zeds on the firestation roof before turning the game off, uninstaling it and chewing the disk into mush.
  9. I have no problems surviving alone. In fact i am at my most stealthy, and feel much safer when im on my own, as i dont have my boys to look out for. Side chat is filled with 12 year olds whining that they said friendly and got shot. Or shouting immature shit over the mic. When you say to that guy, "hey wanna meet me in cherno?", you become a beacon for bandits. Nametags make people aware of you without seeing you first. Resulting in an unfair death.
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    They are already among us :o !!!! Holy shit im one of them !! Guys dont come near me you could catch a COD :D In truth i am a cod kiddie, and a halo hippie, and a battlefield.....erm...bro :s ? We have all played lots of shooters come on now, lets get past this COD bashing phase.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    Takistan - Is it fun?

    Its not the best for dayz in my opinion. Its fun for a while and there are NO shortage of military camps and barracks. But its all too spaced out. Get spawned near the edge of the map and run the wrong way.......you are officially fucked.
  12. I played DayZ from the beginning. I still play a lot today. In this time i have noticed many of these same threads. They hurt my eyes :( PvP is and always has been the major factor at play in this game. Basically this is a survival game. Survival means not getting shot by 12 year olds. Survival means killing them, before they kill you.
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    Day Z Videos

    Iv'e seen this type of thing only once before. It was way back in 1.5 and i was casually walking my way north. Stepped out onto a road from some bushes and a player ran by me. I looked to my left, and not 5 feet away were 100 zeds. I had to throw away my best underwear that day :(
  14. Delta Smoke 01


    That doesnt make it a hackers camp. These items could easily have been found and stashed away.
  15. Has it always been this way or is this just something that cropped up ? It is possible that you need to open a port on you router to allow the game to run propperly. Although that is usually for server hosting.
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    Day Z Videos

    Not sure if this is on here already, but it made me laugh so il drop it here anyway :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M6u7TZw4aE&feature=player_embedded
  17. Do answer A. Take the hacked shit out, put it on the ground and proceed to urinate all over it. Save the tents and fly away, laughing into the sunset.
  18. Hackers often individually target the players at the top of the leader board, as they have likely survived longest.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    Takistan medic

    None that im aware of. Your best bet is one of the 65 million barracks scattered around.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    1080p animated DayZ logo - free for use on youtube etc...

    Like it !!!! Oh the possibility's of a dayz animated series !!
  21. Upon finding this my first reaction ofc would be to get the A Team online. Then we would have a laugh the next day as we drive their best vehicles in circles around Cherno, constantly honking the horn like a tool :D
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Day Z Videos

    People slam the crossbow. I think its a beast for pvp, as just proved lol.
  23. Delta Smoke 01


    This man is spot on. Beans for him. The player base i would estimate at 100/120,000 still. Only difference is many are now playing lingor/takistan/utes and private chernarus hives.
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    Day Z Videos

    OMG HI ! IM ON TV !!!! :D Jus clicked this on as you do and its me setting up for a quick private hive massacre :) Nice one for uploading this marc ! Part 2 includes some rather brutal squad pvp, so dont watch if your squeemish. We dont usually pvp in cherno, but some of the squad were offline so we decided to have some fun.
  25. Hos point is that arma 2 is actually a great game. I play multiplayer games like insurgency and warzone. They rock and are the best dayz pvp training available to mankind. Anyone saying arma 2 is shit or boring clearly hasn't given it the chance it deserves.