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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    Enable kill tags !

    Not asking for much. Enable the kill tags so i finally know who has cheated me when it happens. 2 days in a row iv seen ppl disconnect in front of me. Also been killed by a few that knew if they shot they were swarmed with 30+ zeds. They shot anyway and disconnected to come back in a few seconds later and loot me. I saw this as i slowly bled out on the floor. Cheating is rife in dayz and this may help weed them out a little.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Disconeecting cheat on eu40

    About 10,20am GMT
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    I was just finished looting the airfeild tower at balotta. Saw a guy heading toward me neer the second hanger. So i wait it out. Nothing. I went to investigate and.......we became friends lol ! he was a friendly! wow! I hear a shot. He hears the shot and turns to look at me. I look at him and we both riddle one another with full mags. In our rage on side chat we realized...none of us fired that first shot. I died and he bled out. Gutted
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Remove the hourglass/shock effect

    I Think its a good feature. The other day i got revenge on a bandit that thought he'd killed me :p bastid got my friend in the process though
  5. Upon logging in to continue my fresh respawn from last night on eu 40, to my horror there was a sniper group on the coast hunting unarmed noobs around the kamorovo area. Body's were everywhere and gunshots were every 10 seconds or so. I decided to flank the murdering bastids even though i only had an axe to my name. I found 2 of them in the rocks opposite the coast (one armed with a .50 cal, wow the distance he'd traveled to kill harmless noobs). I snook up behind the sniper and knocked him clean out with a single blow. As the other turned to see me butchering his friend while he was unconcious, he panic logged! sadly i dont remember the players name i killed as it was random letters and numbers (presumably to disguise his pathetic existance) Makes me sick that people are doing this. It severely harms the reputation of DayZ and gives a bad first impression to new players. Anyone who does this you are sad people and deserve to be "axed" from the game. PUN INTENDED.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Need help

  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Leaving Mod for now

    Every patch that comes out someone like you whines about it. For the last time ITS AN ALPHA!!!!!!!!!! its a basis upon which to test something so that those testing (THATS YOU), may find the bugs so they can be sorted by the devs. Instead of this thread you could have made ur points in a profesional and constructive manor in the bugs or suggestion panel. Instead the vulture's of Dayz have now turned their eye on you.
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    OCN Miami

    For one Admins are not Gods. For two i say what i want when i want and instead of you who is not able to talk but only call people Dick. And for last if you dont like it, dont awnser the post. Have a nice day :):) From what iv read its neither your business, nor your concern what he does with his own server. There are literally hundreds more. Join another one and stop slamming a work-in-progress sever. Idiot.
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    Leaving Mod for now

    Ok first off iv been in this position myself once. Didnt know wtf i was supposed to do and got killed by players less than 5 min after i spawned. Here are some tips that may help. Lesson 1- Cherno/Elektro are pvp area's. Be real sneaky if your not geared for combat. Lesson 2- Head north when you have enough supplys (a single food and drink will get you far enough to find more) Lesson 3- In a face to face encounter with no warning, fire. Dont think, just fire. Lesson 4- Direct chat can be used to determine friendlys. If no response, fire. Lesson 5- Dont be greedy ! If you have what you need to survive, move on. Greed is dayz's biggest killer. These few simple guidelines have kept me alive and even made me allies. Use them wisely and you may avoid rage quits such as this :) One more thing. How can you be telling Rocket what arma 2 is ? He works for bohemia interactive and therfor made arma 2 as well as DayZ ><
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    Is it possible to trust?

    In my experience 6/10 people you come across are actually friendlys, although if you run in their building unannounced they are going to shoot first ask later. A good tactic if you know where someone is, is to type/speak to them in direct chat. If they respond its a start. If not get ready to kill or evade them.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    Zombie mocap ??

    Hi just wondering what happened to the mocap zombie upgrade with the zombies being slowed abit and such. Thanks.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    Zombie mocap ??

  13. Delta Smoke 01

    Starting Items

    yes they changed it that way to discourage pvp between starters.
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    binoculars and maps

    i look at the map and then scope out the building structures and locations, then look on my map to see if they fit. For example does the town have a dock, if so how many cranes on the dock and so on. No sorry no zoom that i know of for the binos.
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Suggestion on how to balance Zed aggro and pvp (Long)

    Read the whole thing and i gotta say this is one of few suggestions i actually like :) Although the seems to use this or a similar mechanic with zeds searching for you rather than running right at you, im sure something could be done to improve their searching behavior. +1
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    *Self* Blood transfusion

    They are currently the ONLY reason in dayz that people NEED to find help for. Sorry but this isnt a good idea.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    BOSS zombie

    suggest adding a "boss" zombie. Located in a random town. Takes serious firepower to take down. NEVER to be tackled alone.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    BOSS zombie

    Your crys for realizm fall on deaf ears im afraid. If realism is what you want then your playing the wrong game lol. Sadly kids zombies arent real so please stop trying to slate my idea with bad reasoning. However now you mention it.....What if an obese man became infected ? would he not be substantially more difficult to deal with and require more fire power to put down? YES he would. Same goes for a skinny man that has become infected, would that not make him faster on his feet and easyer to put down? YES spo please use your brains a little before slamming this as a cry to spoil dayz and make it like left 4 dead.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    Zed despawns

    Zeds are litterally appearing and despawning infront of me. Its almost as if its when they give up searching for me but i could be wrong.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    BOSS zombie

    First two posters you completedly mis interpreted what i said. MrLink this is a ZOMBIE mod and therefor realistic enemys need not apply :) Idea wasnt for an "obvious boss for the player to kill" it was an idea for a SINGLE advanced enemy in a SINGLE random town. I used the term "boss" because what do you call the zombie leader lol ? :p. Think tyrant in the Resi Evil series, big, bad, and not to be messed with. Make him super tough so many players would be required to take him down.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    lockable doors

    I like the idea of barracadable doors :) or even just stopping undead walking through them would be good.
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Why is the life expectancy going up?

    LOL i told you the reason in my previous post and its a solid fact (on my home sever anyway). The guys that joined to the tune of "trust no one" and "shoot on sight" have realized that thats not the only choice they have. Cooperation has improved and therfor we are harder for bandit mofo's to kill.
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    Either FIX zombie speed or REMOVE the knockdown

    Even in their current "roadrunner on roids" state the zombies cause me little trouble. Read rockets recent post on upcoming update 1.7.1 and i think youl be plaeased with what you see.
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    How much would you pay?

    Id gladly pay what i payed for my arma 2 CO. Around £20/25, as technically thats what iv payed for the alpha and i love it :)