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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    This game ...

    Troll, dont bite guys.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Helicopter assault

    Pretty sure if you put 240 rounds in the gear section of the chopper it will transfer to the guns. Works in vanilla arma for the hmmv anyways
  3. Ok guys iv played DayZ since its beginning. Im not in a clan, i run with a small 3/4 man squad. Here is my guide to the game and what I think is what you should all be doing. This is btw in response to all the "got gear and theres nothing else to do" threads. These are our 3 steps to never getting bored of this mod. Believe me the same shit will not happen twice, it will not ever get boring :) 1) Ok so to begin with i want to outline the fact that THIS IS A PVP GAME. So...when i spawn at a coastal town, (whichever, i know them all well) i grab whatever gear i can. I dont kill unarmed players. If i run into an armed player i stalk and kill them to gain the gear that i dont have. (I believe cherno and elektro to be the "beginners" grounds for pvp, so if your still a noob, you should stay here to hone your pvp skills). Once i have atleast an enfield, a pistol and some supplies, i head north. 2) I travel as far as stary sobor. (this i believe to be the "medium" grounds for pvp, i am wary of snipers here) This is the point where most people are moaning that thats it, game is done. Couldnt be more wrong. This is where the game really kicks off. Just to clarify if we see a weak geared player, we will often let them loot the camp (as bait hahaha :P) while we sit in wait for the more elite players to come along. If they find a sweet weapon we will likely kill them. 2 of us provide overwatch as the others loot the military camp. If a threat (elite player) is discovered we neutralize that threat, thus potentially gaining even more useful gear. We fight and loot here until we are happy with our loadouts and atleast one of us has a sniper of sorts. YES we do die but thats all in the fun of DayZ. You make a mistake and learn from it. We wait for any casualties to make it back to stary and with one last check on the local deer stands, (for players, not loot) We head to the NW airfield for the grand finali. 3) (The NW airfield i believe to be the "Hard" and most challenging pvp area in the mod. This attracts the big game killers) Before we arrive we make peace with the fact that this may end in our untimely demise. We first split in to two groups. We position ourselves around 100/500 meters away from each barracks, depending on the weapon we have equipped. We make sure at least one of us can clearly see into the barrack windows (incase of server hopping fools). We ambush ANYONE here. No holds barred action. One of us always has a wheel in his inverntory. In case we stop a vehicle with a wheel shot, we can fix it and evac in some unlucky clans truck ! More often than not, this plan ends in death for all of us, but man is it a rush !! If no clan comes with vehicles when its getting late, wel log there and perhaps pick a more populated server the next time we play. Death or Glory at the NWAF is our motto :) BTW all the way from when we leave the coast, we are constantly keeping an eye out for crashed heli's. Finding one or two of these means we can skip step 2. I know some people do not like bandit acts, but we are among the few TRUE bandits. We ONLY target elite players and those that pose a threat. You will NEVER see any of us in cherno with an as50. That shit is for pussy wannabe bandits. So........If your one of these wannabe's, Follow this guide and become a true bandit, IF your up to the task. If you die, hey you get to start over !! endless playability !!
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    So I got infected..

    Antibiotics are only needed when a players temperature drops below 30 degree's. You can not get infected from a zombie. Although you can pass this on to a friend by being close to them. ( dont tell them its funnier when they start caughing :P )
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    Got gear and bored ? Read this.

    This is what people that know what the games all about do. Which sadly atm is the minority.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Found a ghille suit, decent gear. Now what?

    Read this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/53132-got-gear-and-bored-read-this/#entry509022
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Just started, having a bit of trouble with dark.

    Look down your server list while in arma 2 OA and some (not all) will have say GMT+ 6. Work out your timezone difference and your good to go :)
  8. Delta Smoke 01


    You should be able to run the game on high (about 70%) settings. Anything more on a laptop will likely overheat and destroy what il bet cost you a lot :)
  9. Delta Smoke 01


    Run both arma 2 and arma 2 OA as admin and create a profile in each. Failing that make sure you installed both games to the same directory. Common would be c/program files x86/bohemia interactive.
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    blurry vision

    think its something like 3000+. You could just turn off postprocessing and it wont blur at all.
  11. DayZ is not yet a stand alone game. Its a mod of arma 2 combined operations. THE biggest mod of all time and still growing. Buy it now.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    Can someone alt-f4/disc if you headshot?

    Yes they can, i see this on a daily basis. All they can hope to achieve by this is the pleasure of knowing you didnt loot their gear. When they spawn with -6000 blood on another server though, someone will loot it. So why do it lol ?
  13. Go in search of the ultimate fire fight. Or one on par with your skills and gear. Read my post linked below. http://dayzmod.com/f...is/#entry509022
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Helicopter Take Down (AS50)

    Nice work !
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Got gear and bored ? Read this.

    We never have everything we want mate. We dont have camps as this destroys part the way we play (duping sucks atm). At the point we leave stary we have what i would call "mediocre" gear. I.E an m24 or m4a3 cco or similar weapon each. The good shit like rangefinders, gps, as50 and L85 aws are often carried by clan members raiding the NWAF. We like to take risk in this game. With risk comes reward ! or a bullet in the scull lol :P
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    LOL- Tha War Zeey

    Hammerhead i think their called, are making the warz. they are relatively unknown because this is their first title. Ambitious to say the least. They dont even have a website yet. Here lies the reason ppl hate on war z already thinking it is destined to fail. This made me look into who these guy were and i was surprised at what i dug up. They may be unknown as a company, but the lead designers brought togeather for this project also had a hand in the making of the following games :- CoD MW3, Everquest 2, SWTOR, Battlefield 3, Ghost Recon AW, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and the list goes on. I have changed my mind about the war z. I think it could be a success. They have clearly gone for an elite team of developers so i now have a little faith in it. I still think dayz standalone will wipe the floor with it, but dont write war z off just yet.
  17. Read my latest post in noob section about this
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    Was 'Killed' vs 'Murdered'?

    I think it is better not knowing how someone died, or even if they died at all. Im all for realism in this mod and you wouldnt know if someone had died or was injured in real life.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    why forced use of beta patches?

    Any bugs are encountered are DayZ bugs, not beta patch bugs. The answer to your question "why use forced beta patches", is that the latest versions of dayz have been optimized for the beta patches, and the beta for dayz.
  20. Delta Smoke 01


    Welcome to DayZ :) they dont teleport btw they just lunge really fast when they are within 10 meters. Either that or you/the server lagged for a moment. It happens mate.
  21. Yeah i definitely think it should be blood related. As you yourself said rocket, blood on the hands of a killer would be a good way to weed the good from the bad, and is not so easily seen by anyone unless they are close enough.
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Day Z Wallpapers

    This one is my favourite as it tells the entire story of DayZ in just one shot. She looks innocent and somewhat sad that she is forced to learn to kill to survive. Awesome.
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    Close calls/"I shouldn't be alive" moments?

    I had run through cherno, dodged bullets like neo. Through elektro, slaying undead like Conan the barbarian (Arnie ofc). Navigated my way through black forest without a map, and here it was, my greatest enemy. A fence. The fear within me began to show, but i went for it anyway. Yes.....i fucking vaulted over that badboy and lived. This is what this game is all about.
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    Taking a break from DayZ

    If your lucky he left the chopper there and jumped to a new sever to cause havoc there.
  25. This game is not your average zombie game. Its a nightmare. Literally. Why you say ? Because it was made that way, and has thrived that way. DayZ is not about shooting as many zombies as you can with your friends. Your friends are dead. You will unavoidably follow them to the grave. The question is when. This is the point of the game. Survive at all costs. Even if that does mean knee capping a "friendly" to cover your escape. Or perhaps your the guy to show up with morphine for that same wounded fellow. Or worse your the bandit to put him out his misery and steal his pepsi. The idea is to play as YOU want to play. My point being, dont expect this game to be easy and "fun". Its not. Its a hardcore apocalypse simulator made to torment, frustrate and infuriate you.to the point where you want to quit. Then magically 20 minutes later you say "go on then il have another go". Evaluate your deaths, learn your mistakes and never make them again. So, people that are claiming to quit after your first survival attempt. Man up. Wipe away the noobish tear in the corner of your eye, and grip your lee enfeild tight. Stick with it, and your in for one hell of a ride.