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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    SVD fanatics... Why?

    I prefer the dmr to be fair. It has 20 a shot magazine and the ammo is common. Can be used as an assault rifle at close range aswell due to the 20 shot mag. Like mountain dew i see the svd as more of the snipers collectors item.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Tents After I dye

    Tent stay around for up to a week after you die. As long as you saved it, you should be fine if you move back there within the week.
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Randomly getting amazing gear?

    Yes this is the work of a hacker. If in future any gear is given to you that you know is not in the game, please destroy it for the good of the community :)
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Big problem

    1.70ghz x2 processor isnt going to get you anywhere in the most CPU damanding game ever made mate. Buy a new setup that isnt an all in one. They suck big time and cost more than a normal pc to build.
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    No singleplayer

    Nah he wants to play vanilla arma and has modded it like a caveman. So he has to add/remove files. If he hadnt said fuck so many times id have helped him.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    No singleplayer

    Your an idiot you know that right ? 1) single player doesnt work with dayz files added. Hence its removed so that idiots like you dont cry about it not loading. 2) use six updater, its been around for ages no one mods that way anymore. 3) you swear too much. I dont like you.
  7. change video memory to default in the video options. Do this every time it happens to temp fix it. If your already on default jus knock it one down and back up again.
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    Congratulations on not understanding the reason we hate alt+f4 users. You see a guy, he alt+f4's. You shoot a guy (anywhere even the head with an as50) he alt+f4's and his body immediately sinks in the ground. If the body stayed no one would care. It doesnt, so we care. A lot.
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    WTF suing !?!? suing for what ? the fact you lost an FN FAL ? are you insane lol ? The only problem i have with your post is you mate. Your opinions are valid and for the most part correct. But the way your snapping at everyone like they are your kids on a bad day, well, annoys me. You make it sound like your the only one suffering. Theres almost 1,000,000 others that share your pain. Dont post a thread and then try bite the head off anyone that comments.
  10. YOU fucking SHOULD fucking TRY fucking BERNfuckingZINO. In true op style <<
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    This gun?

    Keeping them isnt a good idea. Yes, you didnt hack it in, but what happens when your killed and someone loots it from you ? Then YOUR the hacker in their eyes. Get reported and get banned. Not good.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    Wow, this is so fail. Who are these russians your ranting at ? Rocket is from new zealand and BI are from Czech republic lol. Agreed hacking is out of control atm but thats the way is. Rocket told us all months ago that there was nothing he could do until the game reaches stand alone. Ranting about it now because you lost an FN FAL is just fail. Its a crap gun that you wont find any ammo for. Get over it.
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    need help enjoying this game

    You know you can just eat to regain blood right ? If i dont have a knife or matches i just eat a supermarkets worth of beans :)
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Kill more zeds & get more revarded

    Imagine Count Dracula trying to say "rewarded"
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Newbie question I couldn't find an answer for.

    Generally anywhere near civilization/open fields for goats, cows and sheep. Boars spawn in forrests mainly.
  16. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55260-who-still-uses-homophobic-slander-these-days/ Just flicking through the forums as you do, then this comes up. Why the fuck are people like this getting away with what they are saying on the forums? Is their no moderation at all ? I got warned for saying in response to a guy that was attacking me for no reason "id just come round and put my boot through your door". This is much worse. This is SERIOUS abuse at its worst. Nothing in that thread even remotely concerns me. Yet it infuriates me that dayz forum moderators simply turn a blind eye to people maliciously attacking others in posts. I was playing with my squad earlier in the week and ended up being kicked by battleeye for saying "oh shit" and "fuck their behind us" in direct chat to MY OWN BEST FRIENDS ON A GAME RATED MATURE! ANYONE posting this kind of an attack on another forum user should be permanently banned from the forums. There is no place in society for this in society any more. Perhaps he should not have posted this thread but tbh i dont blame him. This community is an absolute disgrace and i am ashamed to be a part of it. If nothing is done by the forum moderators to combat this then they are no better than the culprits themselves.
  17. No clue if im right here but i would suggest that its because your using arma 2 free and not the real deal. Like i said that may or may not be the case. You also get HDR rendering and better textures if you have the real arma 2 so id recommend getting it either way.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    Well... Hello Huey.

    So...care to explain the god mode text in the top right corner ? Jesus this game is full of cheaters.
  19. You have set foot on the road to becoming a true bandit. Beans and easily aquired gear await. Dont turn into one of those murderer types that go back to cherno/elektro with an as50 though. Thats not the true bandit way. Fight in the north, stalk and ambush your prey.
  20. Delta Smoke 01


    The above mentioned words and phrases are unacceptable in any community. Its not just a few here and there its every single post. Its not just people saying "this is gay". I would deem that not to be offensive, its the cruder and more insulting, and even degrading to some people, phrases that im talking about. If someone said something like that in the street to my friend who is a homosexual, i would literally knock their teeth down their throat without a moments hesitation. I am no angel by any means, but i know the difference between a light hearted comment and an all out verbal assault, and this is the latter.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    Helicopters should be taken away forever

    Yeah OP is right ! Lets remove zombies, loot, and guns aswell !! Then DayZ will be awesome !!
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Shotty Versus Hatchet - Freaky Zombie Death in the End

    Cool video man. Beans arent for the vid though. Beans are for the face pulling goin on there. Now that is a game face! watched it twice it made me laugh that much. "Its frekin me out man" lol Awesome :thumbsup:
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    PvP tips we all should know.

    Like the red meat one. This is something i never really thought of.
  24. Very honest of you mate. Im also a bandit but not a murderer. I dont kill unarmed guys, i use them as bait to lure the bigger fish in. The real action to be had is at stary and the NWA. grab yourself a squad and get on it :) Have some beans for your honesty.