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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    Kicked from every server.

    Its fine for me. Better infact as it has more support for nvidia gpu's
  2. Unless you want your server blacklisted, id suggest you unban them now. There are 2 reasons you may ban a player. Hacking and racial insults/behaviour.
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Nvidia and gtx 680 users

    il PM you my settings now
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Nvidia and gtx 680 users

    FSAA is the in game option for anti aliasing. Update the beta patch for more settings.
  5. Delta Smoke 01


    The first one you mentioned, the leg breaking instakill one. Has happened to me twice in the last 24 hours. Once was conveniently when i was scouting (and found) a clan main camp. I took my squad back there and low and behold, it happens again. This time to 10/20 extra people who were not even involved. Ofc server went down sharply after aswell.
  6. Blaming the devs for this isnt going to help. The respawn button was disabled because it was using up too much resources on the hive, with people spamming respawn to get to cherno/elektro. Man up and stick a bit of cardboard under your number 3 key to keep moving like everyone else does. This will kill you faster. Be satisfied i even helped you after your caps lock assault.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Snipers in Dayz

    Keep it on topic and refrain from using homophobic insults or certain people will find themselves unable to use the forums anymore. Delta
  8. We all hate hackers. Posting in a rant aimed at us does not, and will not help your situation. It is unfortunate this happens but this is not a game. Its a mod made from a very open, very trusting engine. Rocket isnt going to waste months fixing a mod when he can create solutions in a stand alone game. I was killed by hackers with excelent gear twice in the last 24 hours. Yes i was pissed about it, but i didnt post here having a rage fit like a child. If you want to blame anyone blame the hackers.
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    Squad's in dayZ

    I doubt it as thats not realistic. This mod strives for realism. I think there are some group functions coming our way eventually though. Hold out for those :)
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    I support hackers! Yes, please go hack!

    I agree with what your saying. I dont agree with the topic title. Dont be surprised if this ends up being romoved. We all hate hackers. I died twice in 24 hours to the same hack. It sucks. What people dont understand (and i dont know why, rocket has said it soooo many times) is that NOTHING can be done about it when the game is in mod status. To do so would require rewriting arma 2 and is simply, not worth the effort when he can just concentrate on the stand alone. People need to wise up and accept that it is what it is. Would you rather have a working mod in about 3/4 months, at the stage it is now with no new content whatsoever. Or a kick ass stand alone game with no hacks, no alt+f4 and such, WITH many new features, in around 2/3 months. Simple answer imo.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    What gear do you rock?

    Im currently rocking....THE COAST !! killed by the invisible axe man earlier today and lost all my good shit :( ghillie, NVG's, rangefinder, m4a3 cco, and as50. Damn those hackers. Damn them all to hell.
  12. Yes they have a lunge attack that they always do. The difference is you dont notice it as much outdoors. Its about 10 feet then they lunge right at you.
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Perhaps if i go away and watch all 3 Lord of the Rings special extended edition, OP will have delivered :huh:
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Grand Theft Auto? I think so.

    He is saying that HIS other member knocked out the sniper. As in the enemy alt+f4'd
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

  16. Delta Smoke 01

    m14 AIM or the FN FAL?

    Both are the exact same damage. M14 wins as the ammo is common, and it has a red dot sight.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    I need someone to come kill me

    LOL i was about to say you coulda been epi penned.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    How to step over barbwire

    Think you hit the nail on the head there :P
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    Tbh im not that fussed if he doesnt upload the vid. The wise cracks and liam neeson references are making me literally LOL.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    In a mistake I gave away my CD Key

    Your CD-Key isnt tied to your steam account so you should be ok on that front. For that he would need your acount name and password. Be more careful in future and never trust a stranger with things like this.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    Don't Touch Another Mans Backpack *Video*

    Just for the record guys, you now know how its done.....If a guy is stealing from you and running around like a clown on lsd, just shoot a sheep. He loves sheep. He stops and the kills yours !
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Dayz is this news to you??? hotfix is not out because rocket and the team decided that it was so stable, that they wanted to add new features to it aswell. Be patient, good things are coming our way very soon. For more info dig up the latest rocket interview with machinima as i did :) sorry cant find you a link.
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    My frustrating First 13 Hours

    Sounds like your a lucky one to be honest with you OP. You learned the vast majority of the DayZ bugs in 13 hours. Now you have experienced them you can avoid them :)
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    Dayz is this news to you???

    There is a thread that contains the development of the game. Find it here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/4-dayz-announcements/ Personally i think the "we hit 900,000 players" threads are positive and nice to see. Same goes for the church service. I think its awesome that players are trying out fubar events like this. I for one thought the idea was funny as hell and was one of the 1000 that could not get in due to mass demand. Keep it up whoever hosted that event!! Also i have heard of a devils castle rave some point soon ! cant wait for that one :)