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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    M4A1 Holo SD

    There is currently an m4a1 cco sd. Its a great weapon for guarding your squads sniper while not giving away his position.
  2. Delta Smoke 01


    Urghhh :/ i really wish people would read the forums before posting this shit. Im getting real tired of explaining the situation on hacking. There is no point in fixing hacking in a mod. It would take a long time. That time is being used to make sure the standalone isnt affected by this.
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    patch 1.7.3

    Hey cool so my post helped you out then ? :)
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    patch 1.7.3

    How about you cut out the swearing and demanding. Its ready when its ready. He wants to make sure things are right before he releases it. So that quick mouthed people such as yourself dont self destruct if something is bugged.
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    What is going on here? The world is on fire!

    Its definitely a Heli crash. Follow it for a good chance at serious loot ! One thing though. If it is hackers, and they have hacked guns on their bodys. Do the right thing and hide that corpse. Feel free to take any legit items they may have though ofc :)
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    loving the hacker threads

    You have had your official response from rocket on hackers many, many times. BattleEye does the best it can do, and is doing well. Why would he spend months fixing hacking in a MOD when he can spend those months making new content for a hack free stand alone game. People like you, OP, just dont get it.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Lag / delay when shooting player

    If it was a god mode hacker i highly doubt he would have combat logged. I think your problem stems for what server you are playing on, and your current internet connection speed. Try and always play on a server with low ping to avoid these kind of "lags". Also it may be that his ping was really high. A significant difference in pings will cause things like this.
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    m14 aim or mk48 mod 0 ?

    In my opinion they are both very similar weapons. 1 shot for an infected, 2 for a player, both have mounted red dot sights. The main difference for me between the 2 is the fact the MK is full auto "in a big way", and has 100 rounds per magazine. Making it superior in my eyes.
  9. In agreement with Switchblyde, i think DLC maps would work as a cash point for further incentive and funding. Especially if they were as large and detailed as Chernarus. I mean, its a whole new game again then right ?
  10. There is no way of you knowing what is fixed, or is not fixed in the coming updates. Please hold out on threads like these until you have even a grain of an idea what your ranting about. Thanks. Delta
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    Combat logging: Am I guilty or innocent?

    Guilty on 1 count of server hopping to find loot, and one count of Combat DC. When in a firefight, or potential fight like this, you should pay attention to people "losing connection". This is an early indicator of ghosting. Either that or fall back and get your back against a wall. Preventing him from ghosting behind you.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    Love these fan made short films !! Keep up the good work guys :)
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    Need admin to slay me.

    Try the reconnect a few more times. If it doesnt work you will have to do it old school. Put a bit of cardboard under your 3 key (to keep moving) and dehydrate yourself to death. Server admins dont have the power to slay you mate.
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    How do you fight against an L85 thermal?

    Why do people insist on being stupid enough to admit they combat D/C, or were about to. Itrs not part of the game and shows your inner coward, even on a video game. Heres how you deal with an L85 AWS. Put tree's between you and your attackers. Thermal can not see past even one leaf on a tree. Use it to your advantage. Lay down cover fire while your friend flanks (grenades are also useful, as when the L85 is panicing or moving, he can not see you). Once you and your friend are in position put him out of his misery. Job done. Now your the guy with the L85. As for grass, it is client side and only rendered 50 feet in front of you. Dont be foolish enough to think your hidden in grass when your target is 100 feet away, He will see you clear as day with no grass.
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Nvidia and gtx 680 users

    Iv recently tweaked my arma 2 to the perfect settings. Will specifically help gtx 680 users but may also help other nvidia users aswell. Follow these few steps, Gave me +10 fps and got rid of those strange grey clouds on trees and objects at distance. 1) Download the latest beta patch from here http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ , It is better optimized for Nvidia. 2)Open Nvidia control panel, Manage 3d settings and set "ambient occlusion" to OFF, this eats fps for no reason, and is the main cause of those grey cloud things. Look through and change any other settings to "application controlled", or "let the application decide" if the option allows it. 3) Open C/Documents/arma2/arma2OA and edit with notepad. Change to the following. FXAA=17, PPAA=3, PPAA_level=3. The above steps now have me on 45/60 fps on absolute maximum settings everywhere i go, including the dreaded Cherno and Elektro, and my screen is grey cloud free ! Hope this helps, Have fun and please leave feedback :) Delta
  16. My friend managed to frag himself once in a shed, just as i walked outside so i lived. I laughed a lot >< Only ever kill(s) with one was in Elektro church back in the bandit skin days. Saw 2 bandits run in and my frag swiftly followed them ;) The church lost a whole wall lol.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    US 1857 Admin bans for guns we had

    An easy solution to people thinking your a hacker, would be to do the honest thing and hide the body to destroy it. I found a town on fire earlier so went to investigate. Found 4 crashed real choppers and a few bodys. One of which containd an SVD Thermal and a g36 sd. Another had m4 cco sd. I took the m4 and the gear such as 2x NVG, 2X rangefinder and 2x GPS and hid the rest to stop hacked gun circulation.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Almost straight after i posted my best find, i broke my record :D Logged into a server and prigordski was on fire. Went to check for a heli wreckage and found 4 burnt out crashed heli's (real ones not crash sites, hackers for definate). After searching for bodys for a while i found a ghillie sniper looting a guy by a spawned in ammo box. Introduced him to my AS50 at 2 feet distance. He had a hacked svd thermal and g36c sd. The guy next to him had an m4a1 cco sd and 10 mags. Took the cco sd and hid both the bodys so no hacked guns got into circulation. But not before i took the rangefinder x2, NVG x2, GPSx2 and a coyote backpack which i later realized had 2 satchel charges in. Chears you hacking mofo's :D
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    I picked up the L85 AWS and the AS50. My bud got DMR and L85 AWS. No room for it and its not really that useful in comparison to the others.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    Battleeye globan for for installing Ligor Island

    Lingor island is not official to dayz. However BattleEye will not global ban you for installing it, as it, like dayz is just a mod and a map.
  21. Everyone noticed. You are probably the only one that doesnt know why.
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Must have been a rare spawn. Think its a 0.39% chance of a £20 note, 3% chance of a half eaten meat an onion pie.
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    I tried to commit but this guy was adamant that I stay alive [video]

    "You see people in wheelchairs all the time. You dont see them rolling off bridges!" hahaha quality.
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    The Golden Tent - Most Epic Loot Finds

    Crashed heli today was my best find. 2x L85 AWS (one each for me n my buddy) 2x m249 SAW (left them both, too noisy) a DMR and an AS50, all with ammo.