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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    I get like 10 frames on DayZ?

    If the 1.9GHz you refered to is your processor, that is your problem right there. The zombies you and others spawn in dayz use up your processor and when it hits max you will drop to an abysmal fps. You need a 3ghz quad core atleast to eliminate that. Also that guy above is right, lower settings are actually more demanding.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Too hard since

    Dude in reality, if you fired an svd anyone within a one mile radius is going to hear that, and know which general direction it came from. Although decayed, its not going to take a genius zombie to figure out that a hell of a load bang came from that hill top.
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Too hard since

    Zombies......Investigate.................those two just dont seem to make sense in my books. Id say thats more of a term used by rocket to describe the actions of an infected following detection or a loud noise. If this were a real scenario i WOULD expect one to, in your own words, blindly chase that sound until it finds the source. For example, my dog will only fetch a ball for me if its one of those squeeky dog toys. When i throw it, he knows exactly what it is, but not where it is, and will literally tear up the garden till it finds it (or i find it for him). This could relate to zombie agro. The zombie has heard many a gunshot in the past, and now recognizes this as food. Upon hearing those shots it should be utterly relentless at finding the source of those shots. Exception being that the guy firing has escaped. I firmly believe that the harder the better with dayz. It will eventually force people into larger groups, be those survivor or bandit groups, the game will benefit from difficulty hugely in my opinion
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Suggestion (suicide)

    Thats it !! A hold your breath mechanic !!! PROBLEM SOLVED !!!.......................................................................................................... ................................................"tumbleweed rolls past"..............................................no ?...................Il get my coat ...............................
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    I get where your coming from dude :) The point im trying to convey however may have beeen worded badly on my end. The point im trying to make is that rocket's dream is not just dayz. Its the concept of a completely new genre. A totally player run world, where nothing is scripted. A world where we alone as the players have the power to change it. For example, if people are plagued by bandits, they must take it upon themselves to do something about it. Not rely on an update to change something or have some kind of robocop walking around dealing out justice :) Not implying you suggested this, its just the original dream he had for the mod, which i hope stays with it till the end. On the topic of gardening and growing things, i just cant see anyone holding onto a patch of land long enough for things to grow, and in agreement with flashhawk4 i would not like to see crops growing in minutes. That would take away some immersion. However......when the underground base building is in full swing. Perhaps having some kind of hydro farm in there using chemicals found throughout chernarus, that make crops grow fully in say...2/3 weeks real time and produce a nice amount of food to last another 2/3 weeks, would be more fitting :)
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Suggestion (suicide)

    agreed it would add to and indeed fit with the zombie apocalypse scenario, but i am 90% sure it will not happen. We had a HUGEEE debate about it around the time the respawn button was taken out. The result was that suicide is a strict and utter no no in video games. It would cause the game not to be available in some countrys and that would put a big dent in sales. Perhaps rocket will think of something but its very taboo so i wouldnt hold my breath for it :)
  7. I know the exact reason for your loss of fps. That reason is that it would take two, yes TWO 680's to max out your settings in dayz. You think BF3 is more demanding coz its newer right ?? WRONG my friend. Arma 2 is the most demanding game ever released to date (or unoptimized game take ur pick :P). Either way BF3 is not a graphical game so should not be used to compare to arma 2. Ok now to sort you your solution matie. Set Anti-aliasing IN GAME to normal or 4x. Then open your N-vidia control panel and turn 'ambient occlusion' off. Go through the rest of your settings in there and make sure all are set to 'application controled' or 'let application decide' where possible. That should give you a significant boost. Just to clarify mate i have the same card as you and had the same problems in regards to fps. I now have no problems at all. Short version, BF3 graphics = not so good. DayZ graphics = too good for its own good. Attempting to play totally maxed settings on a single card will destroy it in a plume of smoke.
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    There will be no "goals" or "missions" that are not player created. For example squads of bandit/army npc's will not happen. The underground bases however will be player created "goals".
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    End Game: Gardening, not "Events"

    Rocket has long said that he will never have NPC's in dayz. Wherever you got this info from i can 99% guarrentee that it was suggested to rocket and not from rocket himself. It has always been his goal to create a world where only players can affect their surroundings.
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    Suggestion (suicide)

    Remember that massive desynch issue we had a while back ? Or the red chain followed by complete loss of friends to you more casual guys ? That was caused solely by poeple blocking up the main server by creating more characters for it to remember. That plus the fact that finding you friends or your chosen destination is a big part of the game. Also you may notice that no game has the option to "suicide". It simply is not legal in the games industry to simulate suicide. They have this crazy notion that it would cause real life suicides. You may see things like "easy way out" in COD, but again it only hints at the matter at hand.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    NVG glasses in [warning: spoiler]

    Removing something because "everyone" doesnt have them is a failed move in my opinion. The fact they are in DayZ is a +. If all things we consider OP yet rare are removed (includes helipcopters too, ppl complain more about that than any other), the game would lose some of the charm that sets it apart from other shooters.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    How much internet does DayZ use ?

    Im on BT Infinity at around 35mb. Never had any problems with lag and i often stream myself a soundtrack in the background while running. When my dad kicks up a torrent though i am instantly BE kicked for 1000 ping +
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    A new DayZ

    Id produce a certain small wet patch if someone released an mmo survival game. in the image of the mighty Dino Crisis (origional and 2 maybe). But, alas young padawan, such dreams were not meant for arma 2. Hopefully (because i see the dino idea on a day to day basis here) some dev somewhere felt the wind of opportunity, because its there. Imagine being lost in Jurassic Park or Skull island from king kong trying to find your friend whilest doing your best to not end up raptor feed. This is the stuff nightmares are made of.
  14. Great job modding guys, but teleports..............really ??
  15. Mak, m1911, G17, m9 and mp5 should be raised from 800 damage per hit, to about 1500/2000 for a realistic effect. As for shotguns your not aiming right. I never fail to drop a guy forst shot with any shotgun, using any ammo type.
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    The greatest laugh ever to be heard

    Kinda like jack nicholson in the shining :o Who was responsible for that sinister cackle inception. ?
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    All this beautiful eye candy and im sat here marvelling at the pair of worn out hiking boots lol ! What is wrong with me ;p
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    I would like to see this in Dayz standalone!

    Perhaps matt could mocap rocket, mocap'ing a bear ! That would be awesome !
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    Adding DayZ mod to PS3

    so im led to understand, if the game sells more than a million copy's, it will get an xbox 360 port.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    salvaged HDD help

    Your HDD has a minimal effect on your gaming. I run an SSD and since buying it, all i notice is a significant boost in system boot time, and the time it takes on loading screens. If you can afford one, get one. If not dont worry too much.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    DayZ SA: One Key One Character

    Im all for 1 key 1 char (that sounds like a certain sick vid), as it adds to the realism of the whole thing. Picture this..............Im a bandit and i have 4 characters in dayz SA. I mosey on down to stary sobor and log out. I then repeat this with my other 3 characters. What is the result ???..........WarZ...................sooooo thats what i think on the matter :)
  22. Don't worry about it rocket mate. Some of the greatest games ever made took up to 10 years of development ! What you and the team have achieved in just 8 months is massive. Invented a whole new genre (and i think even a new era) in video games. Give yourself a big pat on the back and have a sneaky whisky or something. You more than earned it :)
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    Should i buy arma 2 or wait for standalone

    My advice would be go ahead and grab combined ops in the sale. Its a hell of a lot of bang for your buck with literally 1000's of unique mods to have fun with (ofc dayz being one). Or if your proficient in scripting and editing, you can make your own game. Also, it would probably be worth the practice in preparation for stand alone release :)
  24. Aside from the obvious (loot all taken 3 mins after server restarts and then 39 ppl fighting over empty loot spots) how would this make any sense ? I mean, who marked these on the map in the first place? Pilot Dave- "Im taking the helicopter out for a spin Private Johnson! Figure ima try a backflip somewhere on the outskirts of Novy Sobor" Private Johnson- "Roger that Pilot Dave, id best get the map out, mark your smouldering corpse and drop it off at the local supermarket!" Pilot Dave- "Standard!"
  25. Delta Smoke 01

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Picture the stand alone as an un-fixed vehicle in DayZ, with a survivor scurrying around to fix it. Sure you could take the shot now, but the reward is slim. Allow a short time for it to be fixed up, and you stand to gain a lot more when you take the shot.