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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    Low FPS making this mod un-playable.

    DayZ is much more demanding than Vanilla arma. Look through the forums for tips on higher fps. Failing that i hate to say it but, its your computer :P
  2. Id support the 2 hour then vehicle respawns post. 24 hours seems a bit pointless to me as the owners could simply start the engine once a day to prevent it vanishing.
  3. Great vids guys, made me laugh a lot ! One thing though. How on earth did you miss the L85 AWS on the first corpse you looted !
  4. A guy wearing a ghillie with an AS50, that actually knows what he is doing, will never have it on his back.
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    I have no heartbeat sounds...

    For the heartbeat sound to be audible, you must have murdered more than 3 players without giving anyone any blood packs. Common reason for you not hearing it would be that your friends are not murderers, or have not murdered enough.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Packs of Wolves? Just throwin this out there...

    To the best of my knowledge the implemented dogs are going to be friendly, trainable dogs.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Trading M4A1 SD for Bizon PP-19 SD

    m4 cco sd is VASTLY superior to the bizon mate. Each shot from a bizon is 1.5k damage and it is pointless at more than 50 meters. Each shot from the m4 sd is 3.5k damage, and is efficient at up to 300 meters. Dont do it man the gun you hold is one of the best.
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    Noob/Survivor friendly servers.

    These guys are right. By posting this you will attract people looking for easy kills.
  9. Cant believe this troll scored a 70/30% bite with THE WORST troll attempt ever.
  10. Dont get me wrong, DayZ standalone is going to ultimately sweep warz under the carpet. But 2 of the 4 main points you highlighted are not accurate. There will be no quests, only bountys on the heads of bandits that players must put up themselves. Real money will not buy you anything of in game use, only clothing. Still even so il be sticking to DayZ. Im more of a hardcore game fan :)
  11. Hang in there mate. The mod has a very steep learning curve and is primarily a PVP experience. The best advice i can give you is to learn how to best kill/avoid players. Group content will come in time, but for now this is paramount to surviaval in dayz. Go to cherno/elektro, get yourself a gun, and start hunting for troublemakers. Im a bandit myself but i only kill those that pose a threat, or could offer me that bit of gear im missing. I NEVER kill unarmed players. Judge anyone with a weapon as hostile and deal with them accordingly, before they deal with you.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    Low frames tried EVERYTHING

    I can tell you now your exact problem. Your CPU is not powerful enough for arma 2. This game is one of the most CPU intense games available today. 2.3ghz will struggle like crazy with dayz. Also you didnt specify you HDD.
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    So, is Soldiers Clothing legit or not?

    The reason it will get you banned is that it adds a massively game changing hack to your character. If you dont know what this is, im not going to tell you for the sake of the community. Just destroy it.
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    So, is Soldiers Clothing legit or not?

    Soldier clothing is NOT ok to use. It adds a hack onto your character and if found out, you will likely be banned by the admin.
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    taking out a whole squad by myself :D

    Moved to correct forum.
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    To the guy in Stary Last night.

    The more fitting question would be, why do you bother posting on these threads if you have no interest in them in the first place.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    [Warning] Day Z radar malicious

    Would you still find it hilarious if the admin using it, went to your camp, took everything, stole all your vehicles and camped your last logout point to blow your brains out ?
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    release that patch

    More demands from single brain celled jelly like organisms that self implode when they see a bug in an alpha mod..../sigh. As iv said to the other 999,999,999,999 Million people, its ready when its ready. If you dont want more bugs to implode about next patch, i would suggest being patient.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    How rare is the L85A2 AWS?

    I found 2 at a heli crash yesterday. One each for me n my mate. Also there were 2x m249 saw (left them) AS50 (my baby) and a dmr (buddy took it), All with plenty of ammo :)
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    Heli crash loot spots

    This guys right about 3rd person and the tail. Also rolling 360 around the chopper to flaten the grass helps. Sometimes there isnt 6 loot piles though. Its luck of the draw really.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    POLL: What do you do once you're geared up?

    Not happy that stary is in the same class as cherno/elektro. No one who reaches stary is unarmed, and most of the time they are elite players hunting others. This is my prime tactic for obtaining above average gear when im a relatively fresh spawn.
  22. It makes me laugh that the forums are always buzzing with idiots like OP. "game is shit"...."game is not worth playing/paying for". Yet they are still here, posting on the official forum of the game they "hate". I hereby place a bet for all my beans, that every single one of these people buy the standalone.
  23. The FAMAS has been in use since the 1980's.
  24. I use noobs/low geared players as bait for the "big fish". Yes i may not be killing them myself, but im not warning them of impending doom either. I do this all the time its a great strategy to use in stary or the NWA.
  25. Delta Smoke 01

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    Man up and get out there into the fray ! Go and find yourself some big game at stary or the NWA. Keep killing the "bigger boys" Until one kills you. Then start over :)