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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01


    Well done indeed for only reading the title of the post.
  2. Seems battleye is having some serious hiccups at the moment. My friend just got the dreaded global ban while we were scouting a huey. He was about to do overwatch for me with his L85 AWS while i fixed her up, when BOOM just like that he was banned. I had checked the huey for what needed to be fixed and he had only just upgraded the beta to the one above 95777 (cant remember the number but the newest one) and was logged in for 10 mins max.
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    RIP DayZ!

    Pretty much been the same (170,000/200,000 per 24hr) for months now.
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    I found a heli.

    With the new beta patches you dont lose gear while swimming. Atleast i didnt when i went over there the other day.
  5. Hi guys :) Been searching for god knows how long for the fabled AS50 to replace the one i lost a few weeks ago. Items i will trade are as followed. GPS NVG's Camo clothing L85 AWS , 8 Mags DMR , 2 Mags PM if interested, thanks. Delta Edit, NOT ALL for an AS50, i will perhaps part with 2.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Looking to trade some stuff for AS50

    Really sorry to waste everyone's time with this. Long story short, i logged onto my local server to find absolute anarchy. 2 teams of 3/4 fighting close range over a working helicopter. Watched them murder each other and then picked off the winning 2 guys with my DMR. Inside the heli was an AS50. Real epic winning, that was some crazy ass shit.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    Looking to trade some stuff for AS50

    Yea cool Frag, what bits you after ?
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    Looking to trade some stuff for AS50

    either GPS + NVG or a straight swap for the L85 mate. All three is not worth it.
  9. Good ol shitty Rossendale mate. Near Burnley.
  10. "How come people have good gear". First reply, "duping". Wtf lol ? thats like saying "oh i got sniped in cherno, hacker!". I have great gear, L85AWS, DMR, rangefinders,nvg,gps and i have never duped anything. I dont use tents as they rarely work and ruin the realism for me. I also have only run into a few hackers. One was when i was top of the leaderboard and got targeted, as did my friend. One was when me and my squad stormed a huge camp.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    How far can you go

    Somewhere out there is the magical land of narnia. See if you can find it :)
  12. No, you cant kill with the knife. Go to berenzino its a short distance from you. There are 2 supermarkets and a lot of residential buildings to loot for food. You will also be surely rewarded an axe in a shed or in the container behind the supermarket in town.
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    Is it meant to be Hardcore PVP?

    It is what you make of it. Thats the idea. If you find someone willing to cooperate then its a coop pvp game. If not its all out war for those chemlights !
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Fast Computer (I think) next to 0 fps

    Go into your Nvidia control panel. Turn ambient occlusion off. Go through all the settings and change them to "aplication controlled" or "let the application decide" if the option allows it. This is the best i can offer atm. Hope it helps.
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Help with a LAN game

    You can not host dayz by LAN. It runs from rockets central Hive server. Private servers are also frowned upon as they break the server regulations. Please just stick with official servers.
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    Zombies way too hard now

    Rockets wants the infected to not be the usual stupid stumbling half eaten zombie type. He envisions them as people, driven wild by some kind of blood transferred toxin. So if you can see it proned crawling around. You can bet that if its looking in your direction, it will see you aswell. The infected are not difficult to deal with. they never have been. If anything they have gotten easier as updates go by. Now all you have to do to lose 20+ is run past a bush.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    The standalone game wont be customizable and mod friendly as arma 2 is. The problem with hackers is due to arma 2 being very trusting with its users. Arma 2 never needed much hack protection before dayz. This is why not much can be done in the mod alpha stage.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    Why are dogs going to be in DayZ?

    There's actually an I Am Legend single player mod for arma 2 free where you have a dog companion. It was fun for 30 mins or so.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    Green Mt.

    So the story goes, there was once an old man hiding out there. He grew tired of slaying undead and had amassed the best gear available to him. He soon realized how pointless this placed was, so he logged and watched a film on netflix. Chilling stuff eh.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    August 1 Update? My A%#

    You have supported this mod for 2 months ? No one has supported it but the server owners themselves. Please stop complaining about an alpha, it isnt going to help the situation and just makes you look silly. Its ready when its ready.
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    Why you fail me bandages!?

    Its probably the bleeding bug. Check the blood drop icon in the bottom right of your screen. If theres a + your bleeding. If not its the bug. Dont worry if thats the case, your not really bleeding.
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    1.7.3 - Zombie Dogs?

    To the best of my knowledge they will be friendly trainable dogs. Hope your right about the hostile packs though. That would be awesome.
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    Why this mod is failing

    Starting your post with the words "get the fuck out" in the first few lines and "brown nosing bullshit" is hardly intelligent now is it.
  24. Stand Stand still and salute !
  25. Delta Smoke 01

    Come get me.

    Im behind you.