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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. Delta Smoke 01

    this is FKING BULLCHIT

    I lost my 31 day old character last night. I had an L85 AWS, NVG,GPS,Rangefinder,DMR + literally everything a guy could ever want. Hacker killed me and my friend. Then to add insult to injury he turned up at my new spawn in balotta and broke my legs with my own gun. He clearly showed me that he had all my gear then teleported away. It suck big time but you gotta pick yourself up and go again. It would have only happened via legit means at some point down the line.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

    This is by far......the worst post of all time......ever. I face-palmed when i read the title. After reading the post i now have W,A,S and D i permanently attached to my forehead.
  3. No chance in hell any laptop in existence will play this on max settings. It will fry and burn in a poof of smoke. If your gonna spend that much get a desktop. And even then, for that price you will not achieve max settings.
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    3rd guy to quote this. OP is asking for CONFIRMATION. Not a repeat of what he has already read.
  5. Hahahaha! One of my ex's walked through a door pissed up and broke her nose, smashing herself in the face full on as she opened it. Dorrs our our common enemy ! The dayz community needs to make a stand against these menaces !
  6. Most of the things you mention, like broken legs and inventory problems and such, are DayZ add ins. The arma 2 engine although slightly flawed at times, is really good in my eyes. Examples of that are - You cant fire accurately while moving. You cant fire while running. All bullets fired do not hit the same spot as in COD. Rolling and leaning round corners. Good controls and realism for every military vehicle ever made. The approved ability to mod and create anything you want, using this engine. These are just off the top of my head, im sure there's lots more. I know its not as smooth as its FPS competition, but is life really that smooth ? I think it represents realizm a lot better than any other shooter at the moment.
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    For those who cannot get day Z

    Haha i remember the days of playing bamboozle on teletext with my gran !! Dayz teletext......The cutting edge in text trivial survival horror!
  8. Delta Smoke 01

    Duping attempt went wrong

    Fair enough. OP should have been a little more clear on what he was accusing these people of, being that it was the main point of his post. I agree, both partys were in the wrong here.
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    Bad frame rate,my specs...

    Your frame rate performance is about right for your setup mate. Your GPU no doubt is whats holding you back on your system. Also having all settings on low actually decreases your performance as it passes half of your GPU load onto you CPU. Everyone gets frame drops in cherno and elektro.
  10. Delta Smoke 01

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yeah im with the guys saying get rid for now. No one really uses it for building purposes. Makes my blood boil when i got 20+ zeds on my tail and every building in town is wired up. When more and better building resources are available put them back in. Its kinda silly that infected can walk through them. Defys the point of a barricade really.
  11. Delta Smoke 01

    Graphic's in the standalone dayZ

    Im expecting the exact same graphics tbh. That with some ragdoll effects and better animations to begin with.
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    Duping attempt went wrong

    You caught them duping ?? You mean you caught them loading gear from stary into a tent. Then you combat D/C and make a post calling them cheaters. Well.....................
  13. Delta Smoke 01

    Minigames for actions

    Break immersion by being more immersive.....riiiiight.....
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Minigames for actions

    Thats the whole idea.....
  15. Delta Smoke 01

    Help I can't stop from Accidentally Killing my friends

    Agreed !! Im a fan of DMagnusV Mainly because of his facial expressions when mad shit is happening to him :D
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    The People's Free City of Berezino [Safe-Zone]

    Anyone that wants car or heli parts goes to berenzino. Anyone that wants medical supplys safely goes to berenzino. That place stinks of death. And onions.
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    My last 4 hours of playing Day-Z

    Rather obviously not well informed. Being that none of the patches ever released were aimed at stopping hacking.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    Getting ticked off here.....

    ^ Exactly this ^
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    I Don't Care What You Say You've Never Seen This Before LOL

    Funny shit :D wtf was he doin with the stacked fireplaces though lol?
  20. The good in this mod still totally outweighs the bad. I still love it like the day i bought it :)
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    Question For Everyone + Horrible Ending

    Are you playing on private hives ? If so you have to wait for an eternity and a day for loot to spawn if your on foot. Never mind in a car :)
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    So you have a fix to the problem your post was about. Then remind me again WTF the point of this was other have having a stab at rocket ?
  23. Delta Smoke 01

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    If its such a simple fix why dont you do it yourself ? Let me answer that for you. You cant. Its not simple. At all. Scripting is one of the most difficult things i have ever come across. Its like algebra on steroids. Want a good place to keep your as50 ? How about on your players body like everyone else. You just basically said "fix tents so i can dupe again". Seriously now, he's a busy man at the minute. The reason he isnt releasing anything is because it simply isnt ready, and he doesnt want to release another broken patch like the last one. Also you think he isnt working on stuff because he's out and about promoting? He works on a laptop......Enough said.
  24. Delta Smoke 01

    DayZ in Takistan & Zargabad

    DayZ on takistan wouldnt work very well. The place is just too open. Its a great map for insurgency, just not dayz.
  25. Delta Smoke 01

    Just a little doubt

    Yes mate. Arma 2 + OA = Combined ops :) Private military command and British armed forces are optional for higher res player skins but the above will do fine .