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Delta Smoke 01

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Everything posted by Delta Smoke 01

  1. The situation you described is 100% a combat log. Combat logging is not just people logging after being shot, it's logging when in danger. If you were caught out by some underlying combat log prevention script, you can have no complaints. On the private hive sever I used to administrate, you could have faced a 3 day ban for this. Our rules there, were to move atleast 500m away from said engagement before logging, otherwise you are clearly acting to avoid death via logging out. My advice to you, however innocent, would be to follow the above mentioned guideline to ensure it never happens again.
  2. Delta Smoke 01

    Musty Gaming Standalone (Actual Private Hive) US/EU(Hardcore)/AU

    Awwwww isn't he cute !
  3. Delta Smoke 01

    Musty Gaming Standalone (Actual Private Hive) US/EU(Hardcore)/AU

    All servers are now live EU/US and AU come join us in the wasteland.
  4. Delta Smoke 01

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    To the guys preaching that mask's have no place in a zombie apocalypse, I say this as an example. Medics are rather popular in the apocalypse. They offer life when death is all but certain. Now would these medics save your life knowing the face of the man going round taking lives like it's rambo 4 ? No. How could we hide our identities I wonder ? With.........................waaaaaaaait for itt................................wait for eeeet........................a fake id ! No. With a mask. Cmon guys this thread is almost as bad as the infamous 'named food items' rage thread.
  5. Delta Smoke 01

    Dean - Sort it out man. Losing your way

    In a zombie outbreak situation (however implausible), it's uses would be as follows. A) A mask would protect your face from zombies and possibly melee attacks. B) A mask would give a higher prevention of blood being splashed into your eyes or mouth, which would prove fatal. C) A mask (in a real life situation of this nature) would strike an extra element of fear into a bandit's victims upon seeing said bandit for the first time. Raising said bandit's chances of success in whatever his goal was.
  6. Delta Smoke 01

    Can we start a payback for Dean?

    Here you go :D definitelyrocketspaypal@deltasmoke01.co.uk
  7. Delta Smoke 01

    So how many NVGS...

    I found probably around 3/4 at crashes, and one in a barrack in the old days. Range finders and GPS I found one of. Rangies in a barrack, and the GPS in a hangar at balota.
  8. Your information is clearly misguided and heavily incorrect. Private hives saved the dayz population. FACT. If it were not for private hives, no one would be playing the mod anymore due to rampant hacking of public hives. Mods such as epoch now hold more players than public hive. Your view on private hive clearly stems from an single, or a few bad experiences. Please don't paint all servers with the same brush, and try to use your head before dishing the dirt.
  9. Delta Smoke 01

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    If there were multiple characters, people would set them all up in the same towns and exploit it to win fire fights. No thanks.
  10. Yes that's right ! US46 has, of today been made public for more action !! Our admin team (Multiple dayz moderators) and anti-hack are tough as nails and always around. See below for BB details. http://dayzmod.com/f...k/page__st__120 Any play style is welcome, be it medic or hero. Get online tonight and join the battle for survival ! Some of our custom scripts include: Custom Scripts: Balota Buddies run a series of custom scripts on our servers to enhance immersion and quality of gameplay. Some of them are" Steal Skin: Damn, that guy had a ghillie, guess I better just TAKE IT FROM HIS COLD DEAD HANDS! Vehicle Scavenge: Steal full repaired parts off other vehicles and add them to yours? Ever feel like crippling someone's hidden car in the woods without gunfire? NOW YOU CAN! Steal that engine. Dynamic Helicopter Crashes: Hear that? Is that a helo?! CHASE IT. Every 15-20 minutes a random Mi-17/Huey will spawn and gravitate towards the area of players (within several large grids) before suddenly exploding and crashing into the ground full of loot and zombies! Or, for the more daring, they can be brought down with a single shot so get your Makarovs ready! Care Packages!: Some friendly government has airdropped in crates just packed full of goodies! Some have food, others equipment, repair parts, ammunition and medical supplies! Variety of Custom Buildings and Loot Tables: Some new barracks added to spice up the NEAF, some more at NWAF (to make it even more dangerous) and a few choice weapons that have been added in for fun. JSRS Jarhead's Sound Redeployment System: JSRS server key is active so if you have it then you can reap the benefits. Either search for "US46" in DayZ Commander or the in-game filter, or use the following details: IP: Port: 2312
  11. Hahahahaha Join BB on US46 and kill me when im looting !!! WINNING !
  12. Delta Smoke 01

    Ghillie dude at stary....

    Wut ? How could anyone notice this :s In response to your question, id shoot him without a moments hesitation.
  13. I was pretty much done with DayZ until Balota Buddies came along! Great variety of servers for all playstyles, and an exceptional team behind it.
  14. Delta Smoke 01

    Flashlight stab attack

    Bump for the best idea's for the dayz SA !!
  15. Will it have tanks and ac-10's and sheeeeeeet ?
  16. Delta Smoke 01

    PC has the specs, 20fps on low :/

    Q6600 Quad Core @ 2.4ghz <<< The problem
  17. Delta Smoke 01

    Why make instanced or underground bases?

    Fairly clear that you have not done your homework on this OP. At no point have vehicles been linked with the planned underground structures, and at no point will they be "safe" from being raided. Also using an instance would add performance due to the load not always beng dropped on the server.
  18. Delta Smoke 01

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Ok im going to drop my role as a forum mod for a moment and speak as a dayz player. As a player I honestly do not care less if this happens or doesn't happen. While on the one hand it would be an unmeasurable honour to have something named after me in my favourite game, on the other hand it will make absolutely no difference to my "immersion" or playstyle whatsoever, and if i gotta eat a can of Derpy to survive, then so be it! I don't want to seem like im taking the obvious side on this, so i will support whatever the community decides in the possible upcoming poll on this matter.
  19. Delta Smoke 01

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Just to put this out there by the way, if realism concerning consumables is what people are crying out for, then why weren't they asking for the labels on drinks to be spelled out in russian ?? Iv been to many country's on holiday and most had their own language printed on the coke cans, as seen in the link below. http://www.google.co...a_.JPG;2484;239 I know im a mod and my opinion is obviously bias on this situation, but i have yet to see a valid negative point in this thread.
  20. Delta Smoke 01

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    Are people expecting food and drink to fill the streets of cherno ? :s If i understand this right, there will be more variety, there for adding to the realism, Not more volume of consumables. Even if this goes ahead i can not see it making any difference whatsoever. In fact I dare say 95% of players will not even notice who they are named after,
  21. Delta Smoke 01

    DayZ - Really low fps. Help?

    Try going into your n'vidia control panel and disabling ambient occlusion. It plays havoc with fps in dayz because of all the shadows blades of grass and tree's make. Failing that mate i think a laptop playing dayz is in itself a stretch. Also disable anti'aliasing if you havn't already, and enable fxaa if you wish. Shadows also plague lower spec setups. Disable those too. Also in some cases, setting things to the lowest will transfer a lot of the load to your processor, which in your case would overheat your lappy. Hope this helps PM me with results :)
  22. Delta Smoke 01

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Yes !! Father ted hahahaha !! and i have no beans left for you :(