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Everything posted by rossymond
Thanks guys!
Thanks for all the kind words guys. I am so excited to get on and play with a few new people. We are all looking forward to seeing how the mod performs, gathering information on bugs and errors and continuing our ever growing development plans. What we are releasing on Friday really is the tip of the iceberg. It's taken a very long time I will admit, but now all the core code is working well, the hard bits are done. Now it's about refining new features, updating the mod regularly (weekly to begin with), adding new ideas and above all, listening to feedback on what people would like to see! One of our new main features has never been attempted before and we are super excited to see peoples reactions. We ask people remember that this is very much a work in progress. See you on friday!
Game needs a sniper heavier than 7.62
rossymond replied to thisisPyro's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
We have put a lot of thought into our weapon choices. American/Western Weapons are almost non existent. Arma lacked a bolt action Russian rifle so we made the Mosin Nagant from scratch. Now if your lucky enough to find a hunting scope for it, it's a pretty powerful sniper. IT also lacked a good russian shotgun, so we made the Bekas from scratch too. The SVD is also in Aftermath, but it's super rare. I know this will not appeal to all the AS50 wielding Elektro campers, but even they should appreciate the challenge. Should make life a bit more interesting. -
New Zombie Spawn System DayZ: Aftermath
rossymond replied to beatSTV's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Bit of a late reply, but nevertheless I will explain. The zombies now spawn at a set maximum number per location (town/village/location). For arguments sake if this number was 200, a single player may only trigger 50 zombies to spawn. They spawn at random locations, within a set radius of the centre of the location. Which means as soon as you start to enter a location, the zombies are already in the fields/woods/gardens etc that surround a town or location, rather than all by the buildings. If a player gets chased by those 50, and leaves town to the west, all the zombies will enter sleep state when he gains a large enough lead, and despawn completely when the lead over the zeds reaches a set level. They despawn into the nearest building, obviously not literally, but the NEXT time someone enters the town or village it uses that building as the centre point, and spawns those zeds back in within the radius of that building. Hopefully that makes a little more sense. Towns can be completely cleared, and the zombie population increases with each additional player. (upto the set limit). Heres a quick video showing how we have tried to control the "glitchyness" and with the slower movement and decreased "intelligence" the path finding and aggro seems much more "real". This means they really will swarm you quite quickly. If you sit inside a shop for instance and fire something reasonably loud, you will have the entire city on you within a few mins. They are much easier to out run, obviously. But larger numbers and VERY powerful strikes means you should avoid them at all costs. I saw inside a pub trying to bandage a friend the other night, and every time I got half way through the animation, another one came stumbling through the door. My own fault or shooting the new Mosin in a town! Heres a video showing some more features. http://youtu.be/8fNWwErzUGI -
I did the first tests yesterday of our new GUI based housbuilding system, allowing staged building and upgrades to ALL be done via an easy to use GUI. I will post shots of this soon. We have not decided on locks yet, but I can confirm 100% that there WILL be lockable storage in Aftermath, we have tested both storage based on lockable houses or lockable boxes. But the boxes method will probably be the way I go with it. Our house/base building system is all done through one GUI, so you will be able to put down your stone foundation, then while your buddy starts collects log for the framework of the cabin, you can start crafting and place fencing, gates, and if your lucky enough to find the materials for crafting the lockable box, you can place that using the system as well. These will be bound to PLAYER ID, so they are persistent through death. The whole system will tie into our crafting and survival mechanics also, hopefully creating a nice easy play experience without too much faffing. We are determined to not make the lockable storage OP like it is in Origins though, and will be putting a LOT of time and effort into balancing the system. Hope this interests people :)
Heres a link to some info on the gun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molot_Bekas-M
This was created using Blender. We are teasing I will admit! In game footage or both this and the Mosin very soon :)
This weapon will also be available with a flashlight "Attachment", obviously requiring some tape to help out! Along with the other 150 or so weapon attachment variation, we hope to get people excited about the lower end weapons again!
So I've finally finished the bulk of the coding for our Weapon Attachment and Crafting System. This now means almost 100 combinations of craftable weapons, attachments and variants. All attachments are removal and interchangeable. The only restrictions are the obvious ones. Western M4 Type attachments will not fit Russian AK Variants and vice versa, Pistol Silencers will not fit Assault Rifles, etc etc you get the idea :) For instance, the M4 is now a craftable item from weapon components, found in crates in Military Buildings. They do also spawn in rarely. This M4A1 has 4 Attachments, Silencer, ACOG, CCO, Flashlight. These can be attached and removed in any order to create your own personal Aftermath weapon. This principal also applies to the AK74, AKM, M9, our very own Mosin Nagant and Bekas 12-M Shotgun and many more weapons in game! Rossymond
Hey all, nice to see people liking the new weaponry. I have just tested these out in game and after a few tweaks they will be spot on. 8 Variations will be craftable via additional Scopes and Ammo Belts, the latter making the reload time shorter. We have modeled the gun as accurately as we can with realistic reload times and the best sounds we can find. Animated Bolt Reload is also done and looks great. This gun will be a feature of the first public launch of Aftermath. Rossymond
Many thanks OhDan, best bet is to sign up on the forums, there will be plenty of keys available on there at various stages :)
Hey folks, So after a few months of little sleep our very first Large Scale Beta is due for release this Friday! Details can be found here Obviously this is a very early release, which is mainly designed to let us test the mod extensively, which will highlight issues. This will help us make sure the first public release, due in 1-3 weeks time, will be stable and much more complete :) Rossymond
I'm actually working on a more realistic cooking system for Aftermath, hopefully after beta release I will have more time to push on with it. Nothing complicated just a bunch of ingredients and a recipe book. However the ingredients will be tied in with our harvesting, meaning you must find them first :)
We are working on something along these lines for aftermath :) EDIT : Thought more info would be better.... We have a new crossbow, which works. I'm working on some coding for a tranquiliser darts :) They will more than likely be craftable, but easily craftable for sure.
How many Australians play dayz?
rossymond replied to Horseyspc's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Aftermath Dev team are mostly Aus/Tas :) -
What's your Favorite MOD for this MOD
rossymond replied to xalienax's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Aftermath...but then I would say that. -
DayZ Overwatch "Pretty original"
rossymond replied to Infrared's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Wow I didn't see that bit. OH sweet jesus. -
DayZ Overwatch "Pretty original"
rossymond replied to Infrared's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
May I enquire as what your modeller/coder has come up with? 50 weapons is a lot, i'm assuming everyone playing your server uses a modified client? Info would be good. -
Well I guess every housing system is going to be similar lol. Our houses will not be lockable, but you will be able to craft a lockbox inside your house and place it where you want too. We are working on a bunch of customisations for houses, allowing the player to choose where they want there bed/table/etc etc. How far we go with it is going to be a matter of seeing what people think. The house system will not be humanity based, that's stupid im my opinion. You will just require the correct DIY manual. The bigger the house, the rarer the manual, or something like that :) The process is something like this...... You need to find yourself a workbench, shown above. Place it where you wish to build your house. Scavenge roofing sheets. Mine stone for the base, and cut down a few trees for logs. Once you have found a DIY manual, you can build whichever house that manual is for. The ingredients for the house and placed inside the work bench, and away you go. We have a good placement system where by everything appears on screen, allowing accurate placement. We have plans to add fencing, gates, chicken coops, veg patches, wells etc etc. Mainly to aid house builders with food & water supplies. Again, its all a WIP and open to change, but thats the general idea
We are currently deciding on the best way to get our test server full for a high population test. We don't see any issues cropping up at the moment. But we wanted testing to be extensive. Expect this to be in around 1-2 weeks time. For obvious reasons, during this test there WILL be incomplete features, issues and problems but of course we hope people will take this into consideration. Psy Syndicate is going to grab another video for us in the very near future, demonstrating weapon crafting, weapon attachments and house/village building. This will hopefully give people a heads up on progress. I've got a bunch of tidying up to do and such like. But here's another teaser of things to come :) Created from scratch, in under 40 minutes by our resident modelling god. It's just for the loot system, so nothing hugely complicated. He's currently working on a brand new gun for the mod which should be ready for beta fingers crossed! Also, his plans for houses and alike are out of this world!
Ahh I could not resist...here's a teaser of the crafting bench, going to kep the house's under wraps though! But everything is following the Aftermath Theme.
So far performance is good, but then very little of what we have added really affects performance. I'm happy to say though after 2 night of fecking around, the new house building system is coming along nicely. We now have our first house model in game and its AWESOME! The new crafting bench model is complete and again looks awesome. Massive props to Sparlin's efforts, top class 3D modeler :) We said 2-4 weeks for Public Beta and its now been 15 days. So we are on target for a public beta test. Really excited about progress tonight and as it's 2AM, I'm heading to bed on a high note!
[New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test
rossymond replied to airborne52 (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
It's got nothing to do with needing permission it's about having the common decency to ask. I have always taken the time to at least try to get in contact with mod/script creators, a lot have now left the scene unfortunately. By its just polite to at least try. May I suggest (without trying to sound condescending) you at least try to answer questions thoughtfully? -
July Round-up: "I want the alpha" < "I want the alpha to be good"
rossymond replied to SmashT's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Yeah some great points there Fraggle. I too am excited about the possibilities of Arma 3 We have had some preliminary discussions about Arma 3, and there certainly are some plans and ideas in place. But obviously that is some way into the future. Right i'll stop spamming this thread now, and hopefully you and some others will check out what we have created in the coming weeks :) Rossy -
We are not planning to add any more features than what we already have for beta. Obviously we still have 3D models, config, crafting arrays and alike to complete, but the concentration now is getting the mod ready for some larger scale testing. Obviously stability and issues like that will only arise under heavy load, which we cannot recreate. This is the whole idea of public beta. We wanted the larger scale features such as item/weapon crafting, house building and alike to be function if not complete for beta, so we can test there functionality properly rather than just with a few people on the dev server. We have done some testing with house building and thus far, everything seems to stay where it's told without issue. The crafting system is all but compelte, all bar some textures and a couple of model tweaks. The GUI menu system for the build system is ugly, but functional. The restructured gear GUI however, is somewhat better looking :) All our harvesting/searching systems and all the features associated with that are complete. Loot tables is a main job left to do, but again...beta testing will show any unbalanced items and we cannot add every item, until it's been defined. Apologies for the long winded reply, but it's difficult to explain where we are at in a sentence or 2. I guess the long and short of it, is we are getting there. A great deal of what we have added will not affect performance, as it is simply player actions and alike. But obviously we still want to test the mod as hard as we can before releasing it. Hope this helps :) Rossy