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About Devintian

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    On the Coast

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    Gold Coast, Australia

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    Umbrella Security Service High Command.
  1. Please apply in the applications section @ xellpn.co.uk and put DayZ Forums as a referral. Thanks!
  2. B A C K S T O R Y Umbrella Security Service is the primary security task force of the Umbrella Corporation, tasked with annihilating any target designated by High Command with precision and agility. Originating from the underground Raccoon City training facility, the soldiers of the task force undergo years of training to become the most professional and skilled warriors available in the world. Recently the continents of Chernarus, Taviana, and Namalsk have become of primary interest to the Umbrella Corporation, and due to this the Security Service has been deployed to clear out any and all opposition, infected or not to prepare for their arrival. Umbrella Security Service is now in dire need of more forces to rapidly progress the domination of the continents to create a safe environment for High Command's arrival, and is now looking to recruit any and all willing to put their lives on the line for great reward. R A N K S The Security Service now adapts a ranking structure on the deployment into the Russian continents to provide a chain of command securing efficiency and progression. Beginning at the rank of Private a Security Service operative can climb the ranks of the Corporation with continued service guaranteeing more privileges and command over the forces below you. The ranks are as follows: Private - The basic footsoldier of the clan, access to basic materials and equipment. Corporal - The advanced non-commissioned position, these make up the majority of our forces. Corporals have medium access to equipment. Sergeant - The infantry leadership rank, upon reaching Sergeant, an operative can take out squads of lower ranked soldiers to complete operations and defeat opposing forces. They also have full access to any field equipment that the USS has in availability. Staff Sergeant - Upon reaching staff sergeant the operative begins to have a tactical influence on the USS, providing input to the Master Sergeants of the clan, and creating small-scale tactical missions to be handed down to the sergeants to complete. Sergeant First Class - The highest rank a non-administrative USS operative can reach, these operatives create the most dangerous and rewarding operations for the clan in unity with the Master Sergeants and Commanders. Once the rank of Sergeant First Class is reached the operative is given the opportunity to call in support packages from lower ranks at any stage. Higher rank information is provided once entry to the clan is granted. O C C U P A T I O N S Spec-Ops The best of the best, going through one of the most unforgiving entry tests in the world, these warriors are brought into training through pure survival, entry to the unit is only granted by killing 2 of the existing members that are reaching the end of their journey due to age or injury, but do not take that as a handicap. These testing officers are some of the most experienced out of the entire unit and put anything and everything against the candidates who feel confident in themselves enough to risk their life for a once in a lifetime training opportunity. Those who pass the entry test are trained in close quarters tactics, combat medical operations, advanced sniper school, and squad command. Ranger Second to the Spec-Ops, these are the masters of mid-close range combat, putting their weapon expertise to clearing out hordes of infected and hostile survivors. The rangers spend their spare time training for harder opposition, and never expect an easy fight, which makes them some of the deadliest people to come across in the Colorado infected zone. When faced against the Rangers, expect elite tactical formations, and extreme weapon accuracy, as this units sole purpose is to detect and annihilate. Marksmen The sharpshooters, being one of the most painstaking occupations in the clan, it also carries an extreme importance behind it. Any Marksman must be extremely patient, waiting for the perfect shot, and protecting their squad at all times, a squad is never complete without a marksman, and a marksman is rarely complete without a squad. Being a role depending entirely on accuracy and determination, Marksmen require accuracy testing and tactical training to embark on their journey, and once qualified become some of the most useful members of the clan due to their expertise and deadly accuracy. Medic The failsafe, always there to protect, never there to aggravate. A medic is a crucial part of the team, whether they are collecting important healing supplies for future deployments, or accompanying squads to provide instant support throughout some of the most intense firefights in the field. Each medic is trained in strategies proven to effectively keep a squad alive through some of the most desperate situations one can encounter in the WarZ universe. These skills range from how to keep the pressure off of a fireteam during transportation from one area to another, to healing techniques guaranteed to get a soldier from a half alive retreater, to an energetic opposing force. Medics will always be there to cover you, even when the odds are against them. Scavenger The collectors of the service. If there is anything to be found, the scavengers will have it, and provide it to you without hesitation. The entire purpose of a Scavenger is to find out item locations, and to then collect and gather the items in excess, using techniques to mass-gather for future clan use, and to provide support to fireteams in the field. Not only can a Scavenger provide equipment to a squad in a safe-zone or stronghold, but they are trained to provide in-operation item drops to save a team from certain death in extremely unsupportive conditions. Please note: Scavengers do not duplicate, and the clan does not support any such actions. (Duplicaters/Hackers are kicked upon discovery.) Recon The Recon is the first occupation that anyone is put into upon joining the clan. The basic function of this role is to observe and report any threats to the squads entering an area, and to provide reconnaissance during operations for them during an operation, alerting of any approaching enemies and also alerting of any zombie threats. Basic training is provided for this occupation but it is very basic and not time consuming. - So, if you are ready to undertake the challenge and be a part of one of the most skilled and competitive clans in DayZ, apply now @ xellpn.co.uk using the reference code: DAYZFORUMS