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Everything posted by berserkuh

  1. After seeing all this outcry over a bunch of naming issues of mere food items in-game, I feel the need to take a stand and tell you that not everyone in this community is entitled. I feel the need to tell you that some of us actually looked at the 3D models of what was changed and didn't have any problems with them. I feel the need to tell you that some of us actually saw how they looked ingame and didn't feel bothered by them. I feel the need to tell you that some of us are actually ashamed over this petty outcry. I feel the need to tell you that I respect the moderators AND developers of this mod, and that we thank you for the work you've put in the game. Especially JoeyLucky22 and Elvaron, who have done a great job up until now and have worked hard to accomplish what they did in the last patch, only for the community the outcry and bash like the hate bandwagon the internet usually is. I feel the need to tell you that some of us are sorry. And we thank you. Disregard all the hate, and please know that not all of us are like this.
  2. He's just saying people make mistakes and that I shouldn't treat the dev teams like they could do nothing wrong. Both of you misunderstood. I'm just saying that this issue, isn't an issue.
  3. You're right, but there are some things that are unacceptable and simply bad criticism. And I'm not talking about criticism as in telling someone what they should've done instead, but blatant hate and disregard for hard-work over such a small thing. Such was this case. This is only happening because it's the internet and everyone's anonymous. And I AM trying to contribute to the foundation. I'm letting the teams know that regardless of all the hate that seem to be spewing out of a lot of people's mouths, they're doing a good job and should keep working as hard as they have, because only good can come of it.
  4. I agree that there are things that ruin DayZ as it is and could be a better game without them, such as the glitching zombies and whatnot, however the cans aren't really the issue that everyone makes them out to be. There's been a recent outcry and some very, very angry people regarding the recent cans implemented in the latest patch. Which is just silly. I might be sensitive, but everyone's overreacting regarding the cans issue. WAY too much. So much that I fear the dev team and the mod team have shifted their view of the community. I wrote this to show them that everyone's exaggerating and they should treat it as what it really is: just another internet hate bandwagon.
  5. All it does is add more variety. It can be fun, but apparently some of us don't like to have fun. If I were part of the dev team, I'd just leave the items in. The hate will have died in a week or two at most.
  6. berserkuh

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    I have evidence of a scripter. Can I PM you?