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Posts posted by hymie8

  1. So I'm just looking around for people that perhaps can help me. I'm what you call a bambi (:D) and I need some help.

    I've started today, but I can't really seem to find or weapons or supplies. I once found all kinds of medical supplies and drinks, but no food nor weapons. And the next respawn, the exact opposite happens. I hope you might have some tips, and maybe I'll come back after a while to sign up!

    Thank you !


  2. Hey there! Yes you! I'm hymie8, and I'm probably not known to you!

    I've just started this game, and I love it! Even though I die mostly because I can't find any food or water...

    Anyways, I play on all kinds of servers now, because I'm still a noob. I hope that I can get the hang of this game soon!

    If anyone is so kind to help me, like say where I can get good loot or something, I really appreciate that!

    Over and out!


    PS: I'm friendly, so if you might encounter me, please don't blow my head off! Also, if you do want to get my stuff, could I atleast have some left? Thanks!
