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About SirKillsalot101

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  1. edit (install instructions visible after registration, fixed rmod link too) Greetings fellow survivors! Let me say first that this isn't a server plug. We want community interaction and feedback here. Now then... Over the past few weeks myself and a friend have been creating a server to succeed anyoneincehrno.com, which some of you may have heard of. So what is it? well, simply put, using rmod we have taken the chernarus map and added an ai millitary invasion complete with fortified positions, bases, vehicles and weapons. We want to simulate what may actually happen if Chernarus was overcome with a zombie plague. The story: http://chernarus-divided.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17&sid=625b7cec86d77fba22c112514ebe04d2 To go into more detail, we have various factions such as. The Russian Millitary who are invading to eliminate the zombie plague and hostile survivors. Players represent the Chernarus resistance. Local gangs who have taken over some towns. Civilian refugee camps. As such. the land is divided. Chernarus Divided. We are running a progressive campaign which is directly influenced by player actions on the server through our mission system. This system consists of side missions and event/main missions. Side missions are things that players can do any time. You receive an assignment, such as killing an enemy VIP or taking over a base and upon completion may receive a reward. High success rates in these missions will result in more assets for players to use during the main event missions. Main event missions are pre arranged large scale operations. Players will form platoons divided into squads and work together to defeat the enemy. The outcome of these events directly influences the story on the server and how fast or slow the military will advance and take more land/build more bases. We want this project to grow, but we need help. More players will allow us to see how people interact with our scenarios. We want you to come, play and give suggestions. With enough support this may evolve into a DayZ submod like 2017 and so on. In summary, our features are thus: A progressive story and campaign directly influenced by the players. A hostile ai military invasion. Ai target zombies and players alike. Week to week updates. A wide variety of new weapons, vehicles and custom skins (skins are found and equiped just like you would with camo or ghillie) New atmoshperic locations, sounds and effects such as heavy fog. You will be truly scared at green mountain here ;) So please. Help us grow this project. We are in the early stages, having just released 1.0 today and need all the support we can get. All requirements are found on our website after registration: http://chernarus-divided.com/index.php?sid=fff65b8acd449ea5302269f20c186b64 Thanks. edit Bonus, many screenshots can be found here http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197989229083/screenshots/ taken in the editor so ignore distance indicators and such.
  2. Server is being re-opened. And it has nothing to do with your reasons. Details to follow.
  3. For those who had difficulty registering, a new link has been posted in the OP. Thanks.
  4. Just go away. I'm not going to argue.
  5. SirKillsalot101

    Looking for Hardcore RP Private Hives

    Aside from having 3rd person http://anyoneincherno.com/ may be for you. We run a campaign which encourages teamwork among survivors. See my thread for more info. Thanks. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/111802-fight-the-millitary-fear-the-zombies-anyoneinchernocom-private-hive/
  6. You were banned for intentionally sabotaging/interfering with an event which was planned for weeks before hand. Every player on the server wanted you gone. This happened over a month ago, there has been no bans or rollbacks since and there were none in the 2 months before it. Admins have no rollback powers, only the server owner. Please stop derailing this thread and just go away. You have left your recommendation. For others reading this, please rest assured, the mod team is completely impartial and follow a strict set of rules. Don't be turned off by an old troublemaker.
  7. Jony_RocketInMyPocket The military will attack zombies but not vice versa, it is a DayZ/Arma code issue which would take months of scripting to fix and likely more client downloads.
  8. CALLING ALL SURVIVORS, WE NEED BACKUP! Chernarus has been invaded by General J's army. They say it is a liberation... it is really an extermination! They want to "study" the infected and kill the "hostile" survivors. Well... we are hostile only in self defense. This is our zombie infested wasteland! We will drive this army out! http://anyoneincherno.com/ Signup: http://anyoneincherno.com/signup/ Videos and screenshots: http://anyoneinchern...ts-thread229.0/ Whitelisted. 24/7 admin support. So. anyoneincehrno is a private hive running rmod. But its not just shoving new shiny guns into your hands, oh no no no..... :P Our server runs a persistent campaign which pits the players against an ai millitary which has landed on the shores of Cherno and Elektro and is systematically taking over the country. They have tanks, choppers, apc's and so on all of which can be hijacked :) as well as being deadly on foot. (if you stumble upon a spetznas death squad in the woods your as good as dead) This all creates a fantastic co-operative environment, the ai are VERY challenging and to take out a vehicle or fortified position you will need to group up. Simple supply runs into town can be life and death now that many towns are occupied. Bandits are an afterthought here, you will die by ai much more than players. This campaign is updated frequently with new story content, more ai positions and patrols, new weapons, vehicles and gear and you can even be assigned missions to complete by the rebel commander Jasonx (our admin) from which you can gain rewards. Our website is integrated with the server. There you can see a statistical overview of your character, an updating map showing you and your friends on it, an inventory and server details. Free use of teamspeak is provided also. So what are you waiting for?! ENLIST NOW. CHERNARUS NEEDS YOU! http://anyoneinchern....0/#postid-2584