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Timm (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Timm (DayZ)

  1. Timm (DayZ)

    DayZ without Zombies

    Why has DayZ to have zombies? You could still have the same gaming principle, but with different enemies. How about: - Werewolves - one mystical extraterrestrial life form which evolves (like in the movie Prometheus) - the hounds of Baskerville (I would implement them in a testing area) Why do you always just think of zombies? Gameplay could be more interesting with other kind of enemies. What else can you think of?
  2. Timm (DayZ)

    DayZ without Zombies

    No. I am really not a troll. I just think outside the box. Any suggestion slightly different to the current state of DayZ is hunted like a bunch of bandits.
  3. Timm (DayZ)

    DayZ without Zombies

    We will just change the Name to DayW or DayH then. I think my suggestion is pretty intelligent though. An other possible enemy could be machines in the Terminator sense!
  4. Timm (DayZ)

    Ideal zombie game

    Day Z has an outstanding concept and is a great game, but how could we make it even better? How would an ideal and perfect zombie survival game look like, when we could build it new from the scratch and when there would be no restrictions? Why do we have to think in 'idealities'? Even if we can't reach ideality, it does give us the right direction and we can get closer step by step to our ideal. Take communication as an example. The ideal communication would be costless, available everywhere and at all time, as convienient as possible and in all suitable forms (voice, video etc.). It began with mouth to mouth interaction, then with tin can telephone, [...] and now global, costless Internet video phoning is the new standard. Defining our goal: Inventing the concept of a realistic zombie survival game based on the Day Z scenario, to give the players the best experience which is possible. Note that this goal has to be developed and redifined with the thinking process. Key elements: - use of near future gaming equipment (oculus rift, cyber carpet etc.) - fighting against the environment - fighting against the zombies - interaction with other players (fighting, co-operation, dilemma, game theory scenarios etc.) - building - realism - equipment - atmosphere (graphics, sounds, physics, objects) What would be the most important key elements in your opinion? One of the most important tasks is to define the key elements, because then we can concentrate on them. You can surely combine and suggest ideas from totally different games like Minecraft or Far Cry 3 if you think they would be transferably. Here I will give you my thoughts: Use of near future gaming equipment: - Oculus rift (makes you feel like you are in the game instead of in front of it; your view adjust with your head movement) - cyber carpet/kinect (you move in the game like you move in reality) - haptic feedback (if you touch things or being hit) Fighting against the environment: - hunger, thirst, heat, health (that we already have) - animals - hazardous elements (acid, biochemical weapons, radiation) - more sophisticated injuries, maybe some permanent ones (but being able to use an artifical leg or crutches; you could find them at hospitals) Fighting against the zombies: - what types of zombies do we want? (stronger, more or less intelligent, movement, certain abilities) - should players can get infected and transform suddenly into zombies who will then become a possible danger to their team members? (reveal bite dilemma) - should it be possible to find a cure if you are bitten (maybe chop off your arm)? - should you be able to find a knight armor so that you are invuranable against the zombies? (but maybe an easier target for the human players) - methods to distract zombies like ringing a loud bell from a cathedral or explosions Interaction with other players: - more game theory scenarios/options (kill and rob or friendly and co-operative; reveal bite and possible infection or not) - ingame gestures (let your weapons fall to the ground and raise your hands) - ingame voice chat (already implemented, I love it) - you should be able to torture them, so that they may reveal information - poison their food; knock them unconscious so that you can rob them without the need to murder; infect them Building: - traps (strings, caltrops etc.) - barricades - tents - fortify houses - dig holes (but realistically, like what you could do with a shovel; costs you food, energy, thirst so that noone builds unecessary structures) Realism: - ragdolls are extremely important here Equipment: - all kinds of equipment you would be able to find in the real world; they should be usable - more weapons (tazer guns :) ) - tools with which you can interact (bolt cutters to cut fences, welders to attach metal parts etc.) Atmosphere (graphics, sounds, physics): - graphics are extremely important for the atmosphere, combined with an outstanding game concept you could create something really valuable here - by the end of 2013 there will be a big leap forward because of the new console generation - cloud gaming; I know it is criticized by many, but it will extremely improve the performance/cost ratio of hardware due to the economical effects of shared goods (think of gyms how expensive it would be to buy every exercise machine by your own) So how would you define the goal, what are the key elements we should concentrate on and what can you contribute to each point? We have to collect all great game ideas from any direction to make the best combination.
  5. Timm (DayZ)

    Ideal zombie game

    I am not a native English speaker, so I have to admit that I have a few words wrong. This is an approach to define our goal, set key elements and share together all our ideas for an ideal zombie survival game. If you just think about 'improvement' and 'restriction' you will have a kind of 'functional fixedness'. You are trapped in your mind set. All I want is that we come up with the very best ideas and concept, so that someone will create an awesome game which gives us a great experience.