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Everything posted by douchemonkey

  1. So I had a good game on Dayz tonight :) I had a character who had survived for 15 days, I had a DMR with 3 mags, a GPS, tons of cooked meat in an ALICE pack and all the other essentials. Good times! I narrowly escaped death when someone tried to sneak up on me, but I heard him coming and managed to shoot him first. After this engagement I decided to turn up the effects volume in audio options, which I did. However, I clicked cancel instead of apply so no change occurred. After losing a little patience during the second attempt something dreadful happened (feel free to call me an idiot now). I clicked respawn instead of options ... and died instantly ... I know this is entirely my own fault and I suffered the consequences, But it was quite upsetting to die in such a way, as opposed to dying by another players skillful shooting or at the hands of hordes of zombie while bravely trying to hold them off. I'm not sure if this is even possible as it might just be hardwired into the Arma 2 multiplayer, But if there is way to add an 'are you sure?' option when you click respawn that would be great. I would hate it if this happened to anyone else. If it is not possible, then at allow me to provide you with some advice. Patience means everything in Day Z. If you give away your position by missing that one shot, you may lose your life. If you decide to crouch-run past a zombie instead of going prone and stir up the horde then perma-death may be at hand. And if, like me, you lose patience with something as simple as changing some options, you may lose all your hard work too! Chill out and slow down guys :) Thanks for reading :) (By the way, a friend of mine managed to recover my precious DMR, although he did not have enough room in his pack for my other loot. But at least my new survivor has a head start in the field of firepower! :P)
  2. douchemonkey

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    ... Cant we just shoot zombies?