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About Nacker

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  1. Hey im just looking to get 4 or 5 people to group up on breaking point and get geared up then reek havoc on the servers, if you are interested just add me on skype and we can hope on a server. Skype: tyson.thompson16
  2. Hey man would love to play with you or anyone reading this thread. Add me up on skype: Nacker or pm me your TS
  3. Nacker


    Alright thanks draay, and lidle i have added you
  4. I am looking to group up with other bandits so we can kill innocent people! if you want to team up just leave your skype or steam and will make it happen
  5. Nacker

    Banana Bandit Boyz - Recruiting

    Age: 19 Experience: 6 months What ¨Class¨ do you play as: i like using medium to long range wepons like M14,DMR,M16A4 ACOG,M107,M4A1 CCO SD Bio: i have been playing dayz since it pretty much came and for as long as i can remeber i have been a bandit. i am a very good shot i provide great cover and overwatch and i also just like the pure joy of killing other players Why would you like to join: DayZ is alor more fun when playing with other people and i also want to meet with other bandits so we can cast havok on all servers
  6. In game Name: MM Nacker Length of play time: 4 months Preferred play style: tactical/MASSACRE Preferred position: Rifleman Favorite Weapon: M4A1 CCO SD Brief description of why you would be good in our vet squad:i am a seasoned dayz player,i know my way around the map, i have a mic and good communication and lastly I LOVE KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE ALSO MY SKYPE IS: Tyson.Thompson16
  7. Hey man i love playing tactile and i am very good with acog rifles, add me on skype! tyson.thompson16
  8. Hey i would love to join my skype is: tyson.thompson16