1. Age: 18 2. Experience in DayZ: 3 Months 3. Past DayZ Clans (If any): None 4. Gender: Male 5. Previous Military Experience (You will be Tested and Verified if you have any) none 6. Prefered Job within the Unit (Platoon CO, Squad Leader, Scout Sniper, Etc): Tactical Vehicle Specialist (lol), Platoon CO, Rifleman, Whatever best serves the unit 7. Are you willing to download any Map that we require you to have?: Yes 8. Do you Accepted all of our Rules and Requirements?: Why yes, yes I have 9. What Game are you Applying for?: DayZ 10. Country: United States of 'Murica 11. Timezone (EST, MST, Etc) CST 12. Method of Communication (Steam Preferred): Skype: rabid_pengu1n Steam: RabidPengu1n TS 13. Do you have Integrity?: Yes, but that's not really a question that one is qualified to answer about themself 14. Are you Dedicated and Motivated?: Yes 15. Time to dedicate to BLT 3/2: 3+ hours a day, 5+ days a week 16. What do you Bring to BLT 3/2?: Intelligence, Humor, Reliability, an outward facing rifle barrel, a bullet sponge (lol) 17. Why do you wish to join BLT 3/2?: I want to play DayZ the way it was meant to be played, survivor team vs survivor team, with some teammates who, through mutual skills and strengths, will beat back the hordes, be they undead or otherwise 18. What do you hope to accomplish with us?: World domination, or some fun times with some cool people, or both 19. Hooah or Oorah?: Oorah 20. Preferred Method of play (Assault Oriented or Defensively Orientated): Assault Oriented 21. Realism name (FOLLOW THE FORMAT: Firstinitial. "Nickname" Lastname): J. "Rabid" Letcher