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Everything posted by Singe

  1. Just logged in today after being off for just some hours. My teams base got broken in, one of the wall is missing and everything in it is destroyed/gone. How is this possible? Grenades? Satchel? And we thought its not possible to break in, especially with all walls being high level. Vanilla DayZ.
  2. Been searching for padlocks for what feels an eternity. After never seing them in weeks in any industrial/farm/civilian/military I went to Solnichy factory, hoping they would perhaps share the same loot with Epoch -> Worker Zeds in those overalls. About 500 zombie kills there, mostly overall guys Im quite sure they dont or Im really unlucky. So today someone suggested it was a Castle only spawn. Went with a buddy farming 2 castles for like 6 hours, looting them over 20 times each, nothing. Where are they? Really want to close up our base.
  3. Singe

    Padlocks Vanilla

    OK, thanks for the info. By now, another 3 hours of farming Devils and still nothing. God damn, those are rare. Lastly, how do they look on the ground? Do they have a design yet or that common green satchel thingie?
  4. 2 questions facoptere: 1. Is your server disabled at night? Can't get on either FR34 or 129 for like an hour. Won't get any further than "Waiting for host" and blackscreen. It's loading all the server messages but with a black screen and no player screen etc. I think that happened some days ago too. Dayzcommander says 2 people are on, so Im thinking its a bug? 2. Is it allowed to park vehicles out of the normal map? You know outside in the debug wilderness? Cause a buddy and me are searching for STALKER camp/helicopters for some time now, cant find them. Might be bad luck, might be they park them outside of the regular map. I really hope its forbidden and they are removed from there, cause otherwise its just lame. Thanks!
  5. Singe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    marko, BattleEye kicks are serverside, they can be fixed by an admin. Hence join some other server, one with a lot of people on it usually have active admins who do that. Otherwise, revert your dayz to, eat and drink, and go back to, if you want a painful approach. Good luck.
  6. Singe

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    First try on new patch resulted in me being completely invisible, reconnect on another server resulted in losing ghillie and reverting to hero skin, tho all items were still there. Not gonna connect to a 3rd, dunno what will happen then. Rollback to 1.7.6, new cans and sodas here I come!
  7. Topic says it all. Logged out alive yesterday, logged in now and am dead. Same server, public hive no private server... Funnily same happened to a friend of mine. First I was thinking of a global hive reset (yay finally), but then again I see no others complaining here, so wtf is this? Tyvm.
  8. No, and even if I did, does that explain why a friend and another guy who posted below me experienced the same today?
  9. Nah didnt get killed, just had to pick gender and started on coast again. Someone said you get killed if you have any hacked items on you, but I didnt have any hacked items (unless the rangefinder and NVG I looted of a bandit I killed yesterday were hacked but dunno if they were). Sucks to have lost AS50, Coyote and stuff. This is so weird :(
  10. Singe

    DayZ Mod Update

    Appreciate the amount of work you guys put in this "for free" so far and Im grateful for this awesome game. But here goes the but... this patch seriously f...ed up so many things terribly. Tents, duping, full ammo on reconnect again, vehicles being doubled... but the worst thing for me is the Zeds. I always thought you wanted to go for a realistic approach to the Zombie Apocalypse, yet these respawn rates undermine that completely. Its fine for me if the aggro range is increased by shooting, fine with me that the Zeds are more of a threat by not making that aggro noise anymore, but if I clear out a whole town to be able to loot in peace, well you have like 30seconds before they respawn, never giving you a break. Is it realistic, that after clearing 100 Zeds in a town, they will magically appear again within seconds? Maybe add more Zeds to a single building to increase the threat by them, maybe add Zeds to the areas surrounding towns/buildings and have them start walking towards the city when they hear a distant gunfire, maybe have respawn times in minutes and not seconds. But the way it is right now, its just a joke imo. Another thing, that is very annoying: You cant land a heli anymore for refueling. Since gas tanks are always near buildings, there are Zeds, but before you even reach the ground they already start damaging the heli. Everytime so far, 6 glasses went yellow just by landing and getting hit by 1-2 Zeds before hitting the ground. You actually have to have one guy parachute and clear the area, if you dont want to repair 6 windscreens everytime you land for refueling. Is this supposed to be like that? Maybe have windscreen glasses actually be more of a challenge to break for Zeds than with just 2 hits... I seriously doubt I could break the windscreens of a military heli even with a baseball bat that easily.
  11. Wanted to test the patch that was released some weeks ago, sadly your server is still on old version. Any chance you update it?
  12. Uhm, you banned me for spawning those vehicles? Tried connecting, but it says Im banned due to that. Wasnt me, and Im quite sure if it was, I would be smarter than go crying about someone hacking your server on these boards :D
  13. Whoever hacked the server just doubled all the vehicles there are, I guess it shouldnt be a big problem deleting those doubled ones. But dont delete my Mi17, delete the damaged one still up on Devils castle :D
  14. Played today for the first time in weeks, and it seems someone hacked your server. Scavenged stuff for reparing a Mi17, went there and found 2 of em. There should be only one of each helicopter type. Repaired one, flew to other vehicle spawns and there we go, 2 Hueys, 2 milit Offroads, 4 ATVs up on that ATV hill, etc. Or did you guys implement them? :D
  15. That Eject thingie happened to me once too, back when I was still playing with my mates, managed to kill 4 people who all went screaming at me for 5min straight :D Well, as said, got Skype? "Dating" here is quite a pain. ^^ € On the server right now.
  16. How did you lose them? Certainly wasnt me, even tho I would have loved to make casualty ragequit myself. Did someone hack the server and vehicles or did you really put them all the way in the debug zone and admin resetted them? Im quite into another game at the moment, but we can do some shit from time to time, you got Skype for communicating?
  17. You like those NVM posts, do you Greener? :D @casualty: Spent some time with my motorcycle searching for your helis/camp, since you guys flew over my head heading north near NE airfield and didnt find anything there for hours, I now guess you have it way way up in neverneverland like x/-800? Hope your not that lame. :(
  18. You have a pretty ambivalent way of destiction between kindness you do and done to you. So when you said you took shots at me some days ago when I was flying away in my birdie, me being a non hostile player for you since you didnt even know whos sitting in there, thats ok for you, but on the opposite, me shooting at a single tire and not taking any shot at you personally while I could for minutes watching you, is foul play and deserves "punishment"? Quite a funny way of morales. Futhermore, do you consider it kind to take about every vehicle on the server for your 2-3man clan, seing that you got all helis on the server, nearly all land based vehicles apart from useless buses? Looting camps, destroying them with vehicles? Stealing vehicles, destroying the tires of the ones you dont want? Yet Im the bad guy, shooting at a tire and leave you be with the Ural after that, pretty much the best land based vehicle to get? Eh, what? ;) On the other hand, I picked up one of your clanmates at the coast in my Mi17, donated a m107+ammo to him, got him equipped at NWA, bandaged and morphined him, waited for him to return when he was bugged so I can fly him away again. All being in danger of him turning against me and taking the heli. I guess lucky me that I actually got one from your clan who doesnt have a two-sided way of viewing the whole morale department. Sucks to be a bad guy like me, awesome to be a good guy like you. So yeh, good to know what your idea of nice play is and where we stand. Btw, yeh, shooting an as50 at a bright moonlit night is pretty easy, I can teach you :)
  19. Well, the consolation is you didnt find my tents ^^ The Ural thingie was you back some weeks ago? You should rather say I got my lesson for being so nice to only shoot a tire for fun and not you and taking that Ural. Watched you from afar with the as50 searching for a new one, could have taken a shot 20 minutes but I let you repair in peace and drive off. Thats how you repay my kindness, wonder how fast you would have attacked me if you werent alone :( Time to start looking for your camp!
  20. Been gone for the holidays to now find my Mi17 and Military Offroad stolen. wtf guys :(
  21. They pumped 2 mags or more of their AKs in my Mi16, they deserved it :/ Altho no damage was done, that thing is a flying tank.
  22. Nah, since you killed those two russians your humanity is negative and hence you will always respawn as a bandit. So either you get your humanity up, which is a pain, or follow the above instructions for everytime you respawn/change clothes :D
  23. Dont join a populated server in the middle of the NW Airfield, always ends bloody ;) If I see you on the server, tell me on this board where you are and I come fetch you. As said above, the server admins can fix that Script 45 bug, at least I read that they can. As a player, just join a server where admins fixed it (I use to join "FR 1" when changing outfit) and after outfit is updated, you can safely rejoin the CoT server. Unless admins fix it, you gotta do that everytime you change outfit or die and respawn as a bandit. And btw my dearest admins, can you perhaps tell me/us when server restarts are happening per default or have a warning? Always bad to have a restart while in the air, cost me a Little Bird last time :(