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Chronx (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Chronx (DayZ)

  1. swhite_00012_zpsf061dac6.png

    Chernarus #1| Custom load-out|Survivor/bandits welcome| 120+ vehicles | active admins| Teamspeak| 24/7 day.

    Server IP:

    Teamspeak IP:

    Search "Chernarus #1" to find us!

    About us

    Clansw stands for Silent Warriors and we are a small group of gamers looking to expand our services to the public. We offer a Teamspeak server where all of your friends or your own clan can come in and chat without the hassle of in-game chat or being pestered by anyone else. Our forums is a WIP but you can still access them and post around for the laughs or joy of it, everyone in the clan contributes, helps out and just has fun with eachother day in day out. We like to host fun events in games like DayZ to interact with our playerbase and members! That was just a short introduction about us, tell us about you below!


    We have an offer for you, if you have a clan (no matter the size) or a group of friends we will allow you to come into our teamspeak and create your own channel. You will have CHANNEL admin in your own channel and you may do as you please. Once you are out of that channel you become a regular member and have no power. If the clan is active we will make your channel permanent for everyone. If you and your friends want to create a clan, you may also do that.

    DayZ server

    50 slots

    Silent Warriors admin

    120+ vehicles (and counting.)

    10+ helicopters

    Care packages and wrecks

    24/7 day

    All player types welcome

    Active and non abusive staff.



    Side chat (Do not abuse.)


    No racism or sexism, we want all members to feel welcome.

    No pornographic material, kids do play this game.

    No spamming side chat or teamspeak, EVER.

    We do not tolerate bullying, if you are caught you will be banned.

    No hacking/glitching or cheating of any kind, you will be banned.

    Be mature.

    (list will be updated.)

    COMING SOON!-Donations.

    We are still thinking about this, if you like our server and donate we will allow you to choose from classes to spawn with if you die. Here is a small list of classes we are thinking about.

    Survivor $15 - Medical supplies, Lee enfield, Alice pack, various food and water.

    Wannabe bandit $30 - AKM x2 clips, alice pack, M1911 x2 clips, various food and water, x2 blood bags, bandages and more.

    Military $35 - M4 CCO, 3x clips, M1911 x2 clips, (and what is included in wannabe bandit loadout.)

    Daryl Dixon $3 - Crossbow x20 rounds, G17 x1 mag, various food and water.

  2. Clansw is now allowing other clans or groups of friends to come in and make their own group. For example, if you want to create a clan or a group we will allow you to come into teamspeak and make your own channel. You will have admin on your own CHANNEL. You can kick,ban or do what you please in your CHANNEL along with anyone that joins it but as soon as you leave that channel you have no control. So if you are looking for a place to start a clan join our TS and ask an admin to make a channel. If you cannot find an admin post on our forums and we will get to you asap. Have fun!

    Teamspeak IP:

    Website: Clansw.net

  3. Great news!

    Silent Warriors is hosting it's first event! the event will be an admin hunt. One admin will be placed at one location on the map (he will not move.) and the players will have the chance to hunt the admin. If you do happen to find the admin you will get all the gear he has which will include military weapons, ammunition, plenty of medical, food and drink. The event will take place at the following times. (Warning: The admin will have the ability to shoot back, be stealthy! you will be getting good loot out of this so it's gotta be alittle challenging.)


    6pm / Central time

    4pm / Pacific time

    5pm / Mountain standard time.

    Good luck everybody hope to see you take place in the event!

    Remember: Join teamspeak for easy communication and more fun!

    • Like 1

  4. Come on survivors, help us reach our mark to get 20 players today! 1/26/13. If we 20 players at some point in time today we will do a "Kill the admin" event! An admin will be placed in elektro and you guys will have the chance to kill him for great military gear! so lets get 20 players in the game!

    Silent Warriors -( [Veteran][gmt+10] Private hive.

    Server IP:

    • 24/7 daylight
    • Starting loadout
    • Rmod
    • 100 vehicles
    • Side chat
    • Care packages
    • Helicopter crashes
    • No whitelist
    • Teamspeak!
    • Unique anti-hack that catches hackers 100% of the time
    • 50 slots.


    1. No racism
    2. No screaming or stupidity over Side chat.
    3. No form of cheating, you will be banned immediatly.
    4. Exploiting is considered cheating, you will be banned.
    5. You must have fun. xD

    Teamspeak information:

    Clansw is running a private hive hosted by DayZ.st. We have a 50 slot server that needs to be filled with players asap! At clansw we encourage you to do what you want. You can be a hero, bandit or just a plain ol' survivor. We offer a clean player friendly server with 100+ vehicles (which increase daily) so all of you can get started. We also made it so you spawn with starting gear, nothing major though just something to get you started. Look foward to see you ingame!

    • Like 3

  5. Clansw.net -Rmod ( [Veteran][gmt+10] Private hive.

    Server IP:

    • 24/7 daylight
    • Starting loadout
    • Rmod
    • 100 vehicles
    • Side chat
    • Care packages
    • Helicopter crashes
    • No whitelist
    • Teamspeak!
    • Unique anti-hack that catches hackers 100% of the time.
    • 50 slots.

    Teamspeak information:

    Clansw is running a new private hive server hosted in San Jose, California and looking for a variety of players to join, we accept the pvp players, RP players and if you have a small group of friends then by all means hop in. We offer voice communication for anyone that has a mic and wants to play in a group or that just wants to talk. We have 50 slots and want to get those filled up, help Clansw reach that goal by actively playing! I hope to see you guys ingame.

  6. Clansw.net invites all of you to attend our opening! Our server is a lag free enviorment where players can come in and interact, get together, pvp and do what they want! (besides hacking.) We have a few things to offer to the community of DayZ.

    Free to come in, no whitelist required!

    Side chat

    Helicopter crashes.

    Care packages

    Active admins

    External admin tool that WILL catch hackers 100% every time.

    Server restarts every 12 hours.

    22 hour daylight, 2 hour night.

    Low ping server based in San Jose, California.

    Teamspeak so everyone can jump in and communicate verbally.

    Teamspeak information: (No password required.)

    We here at Clansw.net would love for you to stop by teamspeak and get to know us and play on our servers, we are looking to get an active community so stop by and say hey! Just search Clansw in DayZcommander and you will find us.

    EDIT: To show off the admin tool we use here is a screenshot along with the link, I give thanks to "SilentWarrior" who created this amazing tool. http://dayzmod.com/f...ayz-admin-tool/


    • Like 2

  7. We have banned 1 hacker and are getting some regular members. We continue to grow and invite everyone else to join to, along with the increasing members we have noticed just about all of the community is friendly. So if you enjoy meeting up with people and not worrying about bandits then come on in, (Bandits will eventually arise, just not sure who will be the bandit.)
