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About MattGL

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Lol I'm bout to blow all of your worlds apparently. All you have to do is keep the compass high in your inventory, like in your shirt. Always keep it open by right clicking it and pressing open.. OMG what's that other option?! That's right, inspect. Try it out and check out your new high def compass. The best part is you can keep sprinting while doing this. Try it, you won't be disappointed. When I came into this thread I was like wtf is the problem? Honestly I didn't even know you could look at it in your hands.
  2. MattGL

    Rarest Item?

    For me its pistol and m4 sights. I've only ever found an m4 red dot sight once, and it was too damaged to use. Never even seen a pistol one. Then I watch sacriels stream and he finds three, yes THREE PRISTINE m4 sights in a single military compound. Urgh the rage
  3. MattGL

    Am I not healing due to a glitch?

    F3 doesn't actually do anything, its just an animation. Rocket confirmed it himself in sacriels stream. Also I'm not sure running hastens how fast you lose healing/healthy status, and unless you have concrete proof that it does I don't think people should spread that info. I've been healthy now for over an hour without eating and I'm on the move constantly moving and looting.
  4. MattGL

    Random freezes for 1-3 secs every 1-3minutes.

    Yes especially if you are playing on 24/7 daylight, you have to disable clouds. The way it stays day all the time is by resetting the cycle every couple minutes, and the clouds resetting will lag you.
  5. MattGL

    Am I not healing due to a glitch?

    It works it just takes a ton of food and drink to get it above the healing level. You'll have to stuff yourself from an empty stomach half a dozen times or more. When you are stuffed it isn't saying anything about your food/water levels, just how full your stomach is. So, eat 2-3 tins of food, then drink from a well until completely full. Go about your business for 10-15 min and repeat. The nice thing is that once you reach the healing/healthy level its easy to maintain it. I also take vitamins like once a day, not sure if it helps though.
  6. You probably have clouds disabled. Set clouds to low and see the world in a whole new light.
  7. MattGL

    Everything is delayed

    What are your specs? When I used to play on my old outdated vid card everything was delayed. Once I got my new one it went away.
  8. MattGL

    Why to open preserves requires opener?

    I enjoy his road side safety vest. Wouldn't want to get ran over out there.
  9. MattGL

    Anyone getting decent fps?

    i have an i5 2520k at 3ghz and a 7700 8gb ram and by following the online guides for fps I have 50ish in woods and mid 30s in big towns. I suggest everyone googles optimizing dayz sa and follows through with it
  10. MattGL

    Merry Christmas

    Any fun story why the door needs fixing? Either way merry Christmas everyone!
  11. MattGL

    360 Controller Support

    He has foot pedals like an organ
  12. MattGL

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    Someone let this guy know its just an alpha when he calms down
  13. MattGL

    Anyone broken a limb yet?

    I haven't but I saw a guy with a broken leg in a stream.