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About Derangedxzombie

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    On the Coast
  1. "but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." Says the PC elitist. I love using a keyboard and mouse for certain games, it just feels right. Then I love using an xbox 360 controller, just as I loved using a N64 controller, or a Sega master System II gamepad. You probably think of an xbox controller and immediately think of moany 14 year old COD fanboys? Shame about that bunch and the Halo kids. I strongly doubt they'll migrate to PC games though, they won't know how to set them up. The military uses xbox controllers to navigate reconnaisance drones, damn those skill lacking kids right. Don't colour everyone in with the same crayon. What peripheral someone chooses to use doesn't mean they have a certain skill level etc. It's simply a matter of preference. It's as dumb as calling people that use inverted aim or write with their left hand weird. Hey if anything (using your frame of thinking) people using controllers would be much more skilled than pc players due to it's restraints, the controllers lacking accuracy or ease of use, yet people opt for the harder option! No not really, it's pointless either way, someone who isn't skilled with a certain periphal will find it's opposite rubbish or lacking, when really those attributes only apply to the persons own level of skill. Sensivity settings make a controller and mouse/keyboard no different to someone skilled with both, that's the hard truth, swallow it. And have a nice day.