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Everything posted by Xainn

  1. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    That's kinda sad. I remember alpha and beta actually meaning something. And when did ban and suspension become merged? Ban was always permanent and suspension was temporary.
  2. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I honestly don't remember any part of my post that had anything to do with what you just said. But I'll bite I guess. Pre-Alpha, which this game is in, is a state of the game where the game is actually being build and tested for basic functionality. Everything from concept to intitial testing is considered to be pre-alpha. At least that's what common sense tells me that "pre-alpha" would be. Beta, which is the state of WarZ, is the state when more users test heavily for minor glitches and perform stress-testing on servers. This is after foundation designs are completed and implemented, but need to be played with to find any errors they might have. But it has been awhile since I studied computer sciences. I may be way off target here. Your turn
  3. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Alternately they could just throw it at us, let the hackers run rampant, spawn items in for select players, use a pay-to-win format, have lawn decorations for zombies, ban anyone who disagrees with their views, and then rocket could call us "sh**ty little fa***ts". But I don't know ANY company that would do that.......*winkwink*
  4. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    These guys are making a product for us. They don't owe us this product. They have no outstanding obligations to us. We have no entitlement here. If they all want to close the doors and go home for the next 6 months they can. It's not their duty to take time away from their families to update a blog. ASAP doesn't mean today, tomorrow, or the next day. It means when I can. If you can't wait and want an unfinished product that badly, you can go play the train wreck that is WarZ. Yes we would all LIKE an update, yes we would all LIKE a release, but this is something that they are doing for us and we have no right to complain about the timeline in which it is completed or announced.
  5. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    He could at least update us on his dreams, the selfish jerk.
  6. Xainn

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    that could be interesting also. Made me think of the RVs with the trailer hitch on the back hauling a Prius down the road. Not sure about the hitches but I dig the concept of multiple sizes of tents, all storing different capacities. The tradeoff is the size makes them easier to spot obviously. Guess the same could go for the trailers. Hard to miss a cattle trailer parked off the NW airfield packed with M16's and 107s Storage Tent Values Small Tent (the one we have now) could be reduced to 3 Weapons // 25 items // 1 pack Medium size tents (4-man tents) 6 Weapons // 50 items // 3 packs Large Tents (8 man tents) 12 Weapons // 75 items // 6 packs Pavilion style tents (16-man +) 25 weapons // 200 items // 10 packs
  7. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm gonna make a logic call. Rocket seems extraordinarily dedicated to this release. If his dedication is that strong, I can't see him going home with an unfinished product on the table. So only one of three things could be going on here in my mind. 1) Product is finished or at a point where the release is winding down and he could ease off it and go home and we'll see a release before the 25th 2) Product hit an unforeseeable wall and won't be able to be finished until at least mid-month January so the call was made to take a breather 3) Griff ate all the beans and he took a Chinook home to raid a grocery store and he'll be back at work tomorrow. (you can put over 300 cans of beans in a Chinook you know)