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Everything posted by Xainn

  1. I did a forum search and it had no results for this so here goes. We have a touring bus in DayZ, what are the odds we can have an RV? If we are truly using the restroom in the standalone, it could be used as a restroom that could be dumped out in the woods away from your campsite, also a nice alternative to dropping one off in the pub. I personally don't want to get shot while leaving a present for the next guy who walks in the door. It could have a little more storage than a car, but less than a supply vehicle like the Ural or V3S (or be a replacement for the V3S if the Dev team is stepping away from a more militarized game) Storage values could be something along the lines of 10 weapons, 100 items, 10 packs. Vehicle speed of the bus would be a good match If this has been mentioned by the development team or in the forums previously, my apologies. If not, get us some Dales in the game as they make good zombie bait. Also, why don't canteens have at least 2 drinks?
  2. Isn't that how you get cholera in DayZ?
  3. I think that greatly increases the chance of being molested by zombieeeeez Re-FixedThatForYou
  4. You'll have to get new forum moderators once the current ones get test invites because we'll never see 'em again.
  5. Alien my ass...that's just what happens when you let a new player fly anything. Then you end up like the poor guy running around in his whiteys trying to pry a magically glued hatchet off a wall.
  6. You don't even start with underwear....you have to get them from a zombie.
  7. I gotta say part of me is extraordinarily happy that I was wrong about development being done as I get to admit I was wrong in one of my previous posts but at the same time I'm sad that it isn't done. Everything is looking great, especially for pre-alpha.
  8. Someone seems to have glued a hatchet to the wall.. what a prick
  9. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    It's good to see that guy had on clean underwear for the apocalypse.
  10. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I can't claim that as an excuse. I've been following and preaching against the WarZ management skills since early November. My apologies to those I pissed off. I wasn't trolling against, I was making an empty plea to.
  11. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I've had DayZ for awhile. I actually created my forum account to post a suggestion about RVs in the suggestion section and to make a post about how good Rocket's work ethic is. You can find my post in the DayZ standalone confirmed section somewhere.
  12. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    eh it falls then into a human vs technical management and I have no argument for that. I think my statements were taken a bit out of context. I really don't want to see DayZ fail. I cheered watching WarZ hit a wall and fall on it's face. For all my knowledge it makes sense, if the game is actually ready, to release soon. They have been handed a great opportunity and I hate to watch a good company let it go.
  13. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    @CDrive I don't have the numbers and without the companies financials I can't get them. I was basing that solely on the top sellers list on Steam the day that WarZ was released. consider the release dates also. I can't prove that WarZ has 600,000 copies sold, but if it has, those have been since roughly October, and 1 day on steam? Arma 2 has 1.4 million with how long on steam? That's actually a question, I don't know how long Arma 2 has been on steam.
  14. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    what makes me an expert on the subject is working in sales and purchasing for 6 years for a global oil-field supply company, the fact that I am probably one of the only people on this forum who can read and write financial statements, and that my college career is based solely upon management and finance. Other than those things, nothing at all. My opinions are my own and I am allowed them, just like you are allowed yours. I also said I believe it was ready for release. I didn't say it was for a fact. And to your last point. I didn't say release it before it's ready. You'll also note that the game that WAS released before it was ready was touted as a fully functional game with featured that weren't actually in game.
  15. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    It's apparently not one of the most hyped brands of the year. Regardless of anyone's opinion, WarZ clamped the top spot on that sales list within a day of it's release. Even packed with it's lies and it's controversy it topped Arma 2 in a matter of hours. Why am I being trolled by an unpaid moderator for offering my opinion a forum section dedicated to the discussion of the standalone release, which I kinda feel like was the entire purpose of my post. Fun Fact. Do I expect anyone from Bohemia to actually read my post? No I don't. They are busy atm giggling at the revenue they feel they are about to double-dip on.
  16. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    All this talk of the WarZ makes absolutely no sense from a business perspective. At some point, somewhere in an office, someone did a SWOT analysis for the DayZ standalone. It is a basic assessment for a product's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. During that analysis WarZ is identified as a threat as it was obviously, to some degree, available for purchase. Now WarZ has been moved to the opportunity section because it tried to capture a market and failed. This leaves DayZ in a good position to capture that market if one simple word is put in bold print on the Steam page.. ALPHA. Not capturing this market is an irresponsible business move. You have angry people looking to move away from one product, so you sit on your thumbs and wait until that product is fixed to sell yours? This is another opportunity that is being let go. If your game is ready, which I honestly believe it is and has been since Rocket left for NZ, your competitor fell on it's face, you have a ton of a hype in general, a dedicated player-base who will push your development budget for the next two years on release day alone, and an end of the year sale going on where you can boost sales even more but you decide not to release out of fear of a failed competition? For the love of god, please fire whoever is handling the marketing of this release, or hire someone who realizes what kind of opportunities you are letting go. You are not only missing out on on a great opportunity with a stumbling WarZ, but waiting for them to get it together.. You are letting at least 2 other players in this exact market get ready for their release, one of which is being backed by Microsoft. I'm pulling out my hair, not because I'm that anxious to play, but because I want your little venture here to succeed and you are too afraid to take the market.
  17. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm not sure why the development team is the one making the announcements anyway. I know it seems to be the trend with small companies who can't really afford to hire a full-time PR professional, but on that same note it is more important to hire someone to deal with the public than it is to try to develop the product AND deal with the public. Especially if work is being sacrificed and extra stress is being added to the development team. This is going to hold especially true once the release happens. People are going to want news and updates. These updates coming in on a regular basis and a level of transparency will bring in even more customers, especially in an environment where public relations aren't the focus. I think you guys stand a strong chance of really making something big here. You want to make a wave in the gaming world? 1- Release your product that I know you will release, I have no doubt it will be bugged all to hell, but a great game with a great potential none the less. 2- Make smart investments with the revenue, especially if you aren't planning on having any micro-transactions or any kind of subscription fee. (by the way, are you planning on providing private rental servers through your company? could be a good revenue stream) 3- Here is where most companies fall off the boat. Get a dedicated representative who will chat with/inform your customers about upcoming news and announcements. Someone that will follow all mediums that you have established for DayZ, which needs to be streamlined pretty badly. ((Please note that I'm not saying that forum moderators don't do a great job, but honestly their job is to moderate forums, which they do a fantastic job of. But it would be the same as me asking my bank teller to advise me on the state of the economy)) I'm also not referring to a full marketing team. Just one guy would suffice. It's not equitable for Rocket to be doing the development lead AND deal with the community. His talents are best suited to development. Someone else can take the reigns on the public, it's okay. Make them sign an NDA to only release information that has been approved for release if you are worried about too much information being released to the public. It is much easier for the development team to shoot one e-mail out to one guy about information than it is to update each information page and then try to respond to everyone making posts. Let that person deal with all of them while you focus your talents on releasing a beast of a zombie survival game. Note, I am a final year business student with emphasis on Finance and Management. Resume upon request
  18. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    That's the worst poem I've ever read
  19. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    This is possibly the easiest statement to make in the business world without offending anyone. Watch this. I know everyone is anxious to have an update on the standalone version of DayZ. Nobody is more excited about this product than myself and the development team. I apologize for the lack of information being shared with the community. I felt it was necessary in order to prevent third parties from utilizing some of our exciting new features before we can become established. Development for foundation release is in a ready state. By that, I do not mean that the game is it's final state, as it will continuously be upgraded and made better. We are currently working with our distribution pipelines to ensure a smooth launch. We do not currently have an exact date for release, as this is a very delicate process with a lot of stakeholders who play an important part in this release. At this moment we do not have an exact date for release, but our distributors and the development team are working day in and day out to get a product out that meets your expectations as well as ours. If there is any delay, rest assured that you will be among the first to know. Just know that the infected are coming, and they are coming soon. Be ready! edit: That statement could have been better, but I wrote it in less than 1 minute.
  20. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    They are currently performing stress tests. By that I mean that they are seeing how stressed the community gets about empty promises and vague comments on random mediums that aren't related to the state of the game itself.
  21. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    @chabowski I understand the point you were making and it is a valid point. I was only correcting the misunderstanding of marketing terms/strategies and business models that seem to be thrown about on forums. My point is primarily: Any company who is traded publicly who makes a public announcement that they have "an update" on any product or service they may provide and then simply don't, pay for it with a decrease in shareholder value. The same has happened here. Rocket made an announcement regarding an update but then didn't deliver and the repercussion is people persistently pestering and hassling him for that update. The consequences in this case are much less dire obviously, but the same principles apply. tl;dr- The reaction in these forums is spot on with what the global market would expect. Telling people to stop reacting in a normal fashion is a waste of breath.
  22. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    That's called Viral Marketing. It is one of the primary marketing strategies DayZ does in fact need to be marketed just like anything else. If the company hadn't set up a website to advertise it, or started the viral marketing of the game, nobody would know about, or play it. Viral marketing is also the reason that dayz has an account with twitter, facebook, tumblr, reddit, and whatever other social networking site you wanna throw into this mix. Btw, you know what happens to companies who are publicly traded who make promise of a large announcement and then don't deliver it? I still stand behind the entire development team and look forward to the release of this product. I look forward to seeing what it is going to offer us. Also hope the development team has a great holiday and get to step away from the whirlwind of release to relax a bit with their friends and family.
  23. Xainn

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    http://www.russiabyrv.com/as690dk/690big.jpg Seems a little too updated for Chernarus, but it could be modified easily to fit
  24. Xainn

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    ok I had to go back and dig through my marketing books, hit up the internet afterwards, and then call my brother in law who is a director of marketing. While beta could be considered a marketing term because it is generally the first phase where products are typically made available for consumer use, Alpha is still not a term used in marketing except by a few companies who want to advertise an alpha release. Even then it's not alpha, but beta with an alpha tag. I had to look simply because I am a finance and management student finishing up my senior year and both alpha and beta are terms used in finance. I had to make sure the marketing people weren't changing definitions on us like economist did with the word equity.