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Everything posted by TedBeau

  1. TedBeau

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm sure I'll be modded for this, but I'm really glad someone said it. I had to laugh when I read that post claiming that there were "so many people giving him a hard time". All I see is blind worship from the masses and maybe 5 or 6 people willing to tell him to man up. I don't mind that they're definitely not making it by the end of this year, but it's pretty annoying that something like stress of all things has caused the delay we all knew was coming in the back of our minds. It's just hard to believe that someone who served is stressed about something like this of all things in the first place. I didn't mind at first, but all of the people taking the high ground and looking down on anyone who isn't willing to join everyone else in treating him like the hardest working guy in the world and giving him nothing but praise for basically abandoning the community for now have become truly obnoxious.
  2. TedBeau

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    tl;dr - It's not coming out this month.
  3. TedBeau

    Can you play dayz alone - For long??

    How was this at all necessary?
  4. TedBeau

    Dont get too carried away

    I'm sure I'll get at least a little flak for saying this, but I really wouldn't count on a December release. We're guaranteed to hear some sort of news this week according to Rocket, but we've hardly seen anything beyond whatever this will be and the game is supposed to come out within the next two and 1/2 weeks if they're going to meet their goal. Seems off. I feel like we would have seen a lot more if it was still set to release before the end of the year. I'm betting it'll be a good and bad news type of deal. "Here's some cool features you can expect to see/some screens! Buuut... We've also pushed it back to a mid/late January release. Sorry guys!" I personally don't have a problem with this and I'm not saying I'm definitely right, but I get the feeling that's what it'll be. I'd be glad if it wasn't the case.