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Joe Freedom

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About Joe Freedom

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Joe Freedom

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Okay, I can't hear this argument of the bullet directly shoots from the muzzle anymore without asking why's that a problem talking about cross hairs. Don't get me wrong, I am all for removing cross hairs or better, have a two step iron sight in which you have to hold down the button, slow down a bit, but can use the ch. If that's not possible, then, remove it. But, anyway. The argument that the cross hair can't be more inaccurate because it's directly connected to the muzzle and it shoots from the muzzle. So it's a function, mathematical seen. Every value of the muzzle directly indicates a value of the cross hair. f(muzzle)->crosshair. All someone has to do to make it more inaccurate is to add a random to the function. So f(muzzle)->crosshair*rand. Keep in mind, that's just the principle, not the solution per se. Because now, it would jump around. So basically, what we have to do is to find a system that limits the jumping around. So, based on running speed, exhaustion, etc, the rand number must be limited. Let's say, it's naturally between 0.9 and 1.1. After running, while out of breath, it's between 0.7 and 1.3. That would increase the sway. So, back to my original question, why's the 'bullet from the muzzle' a problem?
  2. Joe Freedom


    Always kind of wondered if all the hollywood hacking is influenced by the governments. You want to believe everyone every line is as traceable as a telephone and hollywood supports that view. If you want to be untraceable, you have to be the god damned best hacker of the world and you will still get traced. In reality, being untraceable is as easy as using a random unlocked or WEP protected Wifi and connecting to a VPN server in China, then making your call via skype or some other VOIP program and you roughly have at least 18h before you'd be traced and you'd only be traced if you were public enemy #1. Wonder if that misperception is manufactured, just like real chemistry is almost never used or at least not explained. Anyway, I disagree with UmBe. I am living in Germany, too. Generally, you get all the Steam Games in English. You can always buy from Amazon Co UK. It's just in English, but I always get my games in English. So many things are lost in translation. There are some exceptions, like Manhunt, but for them to be really forbidden, they have to be deemed as glorifying violence by a court. That's extremely rare. Manhunt is one of the games. Everything else is an index. It's not illegal to sell it, just illegal to advertise it. So you have to ask for that game. That's it. But realistically seen, DayZ with dismemberments would only get a 18 rating. I would love to have to play with a one-armed character, but I guess it would have major disadvantages. So, in the end, I'd just set up a camp and kill myself. So for this to not happen, there must be a major advantage for keeping my character alive. Like only being able to repair cars after 24h alive or such. Or rather a long training or something. That would make a huge difference. I'd love that.
  3. Little story happened to me on a DayZ 2017 server. I was running while carrying a green chemlight when suddenly a little buttlesized hole opens up next to my right foot acompanied with the thunderlike sound of a Lee Enfield. I didn't stop, I went on running, but I droped the chemlight instantly. About 5 meters away from my light, I circled around the light, went about 20 meters north, up the hill and proned. There I was lying for about ten minutes without a shot fired or a shot fired at me until I saw a shadow move. I had to turn my character around and in the 1 second this took me, the shadow once again melted with the black of the night. I lied there for another ten minutes until I finally had to accept the truth. I had my chance of winning, but I missed it. This battle ended in a tie. I left the place heading north to the woods, still crawling and escaped through the woods. If I or the other guy tempered the brightness, that would have been the decision in this fight. But apparently, we both hadn't. Why didn't I? Well, easy, it's an exploit. The game has lights in it, so you can use them for these situations of darkness. Carrying a light source is always a risk, but one you need to take in the dark or you are going to break your legs. Quite literally in this game. Adjusting brightness and gamma simply renders chemlights useless. This eviscerates a whole part of the game mechanics. But on the other hand, what should we do? We can't fight something unarmed and if there is no mean to prevent it, we can't do anything about it. So basically, I hope they will integrate something to prevent gamma and brightness adjustment in the stand alone, but so far, I don't see any changes for the mod coming soon. Also, there is another problem. This neat little hive idea is a problem. People aren't playing at night. The are simply jumping servers. So hives don't work out. I guess we have to safe our characters server side so that people would only have two options if a server says it's night. Don't play with that character for 12 hours or play at night.
  4. I just had another thought. It might be helpful to create a DayZ starting .bat. A bat that uses the Windows PowerShell to look up the pslist and look for CheatEngine and all other possible programs that get you banned and if found, it should give you the option to kill them. Should be pretty simple. I'd know how to do it on as a .sh. But I've never looked into .bat. So, anyone willing to do this with a .bat? I don't know when I will have some spare time to look into it. In sh, it would look something like that: ps -x >> .processes grep CheatEngine .processes >> .found rm .processes if .found exists then give option to kill pid from .found OR exit 0 AND rm .found AND restart .sh else start dayz commander / six launcher / ARMA2OA.exe Can somebody do that as a bat?
  5. Yea, I am not whining about it, but infact I try to create a list. Let's say CheatEngine gets you banned. Pretty harsh, but I do get it. So what's about packet sniffer? There's always a packet sniffer running on my linux pc. Lucky for me, I have never played DayZ on Linux. Don't even looked up DayZ's wine rating. So, packet sniffer will get you banned, too? And what other possible malicious programs that can be used for non-malicious purpose? Just thought a list might be nice, so we don't have to play Russian Roulette with administrative programs.
  6. That's also odd. Because the last time I've been on that server, everything's been fine. I logged off normally and I was alone, so I couldn't even piss off some admin. And the next time I logged on, I've been kicked instantly, much to fast for a human to react, I assume.
  7. I just looked up the exact ban message. My bad, it doesn't even mention global ban. I was mistaken. It says: Funny thing is the writing of BattlEye. Leaving out the "e" from battle, is that normal for Battle Eye?
  8. There is no ID included in the ban message Reading is an ability, isn't it? I intended to hack a game. The game was the single player of DeusEx. I merely forgot to turn it off afterwards. That's an honest mistake. The interesting part is, CheatEngine was merely running, not even hooked up to DayZ. There is a list of programs you apparently aren't allowed to run. And no warning. That can't be, because you can have used them before, like I did, on another game.
  9. Hi everyone. I am right now banned on ONE dayz 2017 server, although it says it is a BattleEye global ban. (EDIT: My memory betrayed me, it never stated global ban. More details in post #8) How did that happen? Well, quite frankly, I messed up, but I wouldn't even had this anticipated even if I had thought about it. The day before logging into the server, I played Deus Ex Human Revolution, and guess what, I cheated. To do so, I first activated CheatEngine, but finding praxis points turned out to be quite hard, due to their low value and I decided to just take a trainer instead. Worked great, but after I finished and deactivated Deus Ex and the trainer, I completely forgot about CheatEngine. One of the disadvantages of Windows 8 if you've got the task bar on auto hide and start DayZ via start page. Well, cheat engine was still running, but since it was hooked up to Deus Ex and Deus Ex was closed, it was hooked up to no program at all. Basically, when I went into the lobby of the DayZ 2017 server I play on, I was instantly kicked. (It stated I used hack #38.) Lucky for me, it's only on the one server. Also, I am in contact with one of the server's administrators. We both trying to find out if they can help me or I if I do have to contact BattleEye via the contact email adress. Anyway: I thought I might get a warning out there, because I haven't known that before and if I did, I would have been more careful. Programs that will you get banned, even if they merely running them in the background: CheatEngine (1 confirmation) I simply assume there are a few programs that get you banned. If you've been banned because of another program or can confirm one already on the list, please mention it in a comment and I will update this list. Thanks.
  10. Joe Freedom

    Top 10 Features to Remove

    Yeah, it's heli like in helicopter.. Just as ammo(nition).. Wait, something's not right there.. Anyway, enough trolling. To give a real answer: Hackers (really? That's security and they are working on it. It's not even a discussion. Nobody is saying, I quite like hackers. Let's add some hackers to the game.) Excessive bloom1 (At least has to be serverside. Would be unfair if I can't see something because I deactivated it.) Recon by zombie2 (You are talking about being seen by Zeds? Well, needs a few improvements.) Nametags3 (They don't have to go. They have to be improved. But you already mentioned that with your index number, so I agree) Death messages (Yap, don't like death messages. But it's not the most important thing ever) Peripheral dots (Those showing you animals, players and Zeds? Guess they are simulating peripheral field of view. Discussable) Third person (I like to see it gone, but there are a view very valid points for it in Rocket's CH removal discussion) Weapons with magnified optics (I can imagine people having scopes. CZ550 for instance. Think that should stay) Fuel & fly helos (simply make it harder. If you practise it, you aquired skill. Some people simply can fly choppers) Crosshairs (valid points are made in Rocket's CH removal thread. I like them gone, though)
  11. Joe Freedom

    Top 10 Features to Remove

    Helos is a company producing cell phone cases. And I agree, they do need to go in the stand alone.. Though, I haven't even found them in the mod.
  12. Joe Freedom

    Stupid decisions

    Yea, I am not sure either, but at least lead shots should work.
  13. Joe Freedom

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    Why is everyone so keen on keeping or removing third person for realism purposes. If anything, you should remove first person to make it more real. Am I the only one noticing that? Uh.. Apparently I am.. Ups.. Ehm.. Nevermind, I just realised I might be schizophrenic with a split personality disorder.. Okay, everyone.. Carry on.
  14. Joe Freedom

    VIP's in servers. Thoughts?

    I have no love for this pay for loot system. Really don't think it's compatible with DayZ. It's actually reminding me of WarZ and if I was a server hoster, this would feel like a major insult. Still, it's true. It does remind me of WarZ
  15. Joe Freedom

    What if we removed the crosshair?

    I 'plus one' this idea. Even though, I'd change the control. Clicking right mouse should bring up the 'shoot from hip'-iron sight. Holding right mouse button should bring up the real iron sight. But anyway.. Minor detail. Edit: I meant the other way around.. Sry. So holding, hip shooting. Clicking, real aiming. Reason, you usually have more time in real aiming situations.