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About setman

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  1. setman

    causing search overtime

    Hi Guys, Just updated all my servers with the new update, noticed that they are all showing: causing search overtime A lot more times they before. Any help thanks Resolved : In previous versions it used to only log the first 20 search overtimes, this limit has now been removed. So the now reported issues were there before, they were just not reported. There were some changes made which should have made it less frequent than in previous patches, but that will be hard to compare with how it did not report all issues before
  2. Hi Guys, I run a couple of Dayz servers, w/ a few mods. I was wondering if these Memory MB numbers are normal from the task manager CPU 3.9% 5513.1MB CPU 4.4% 4888.9MB System is running on a 1g internet connection 64GB Ram 12 Core Sorry could not upload my task manager picture Thanks
  3. setman

    Red Connection Warning for all players

    Same here, what did you fix????
  4. setman

    Icons Not Showing

    Hey Guys, Just started setting up a DayZ server, and I noticed when I spawn in and walk around, when I find a item it does not show what it is, but I can pick it up if I hit F Same thing does when I try to open a door Any ideas. Running just a stock sever no mods Chernarusplus
  5. setman

    Wrong Map Showing

    Hi Guys, I am running a DeerIsle Map, with Expansion. Everything is working fine, but when I spawn in, in the top right hand side where the notifications show up it comes up with Welcome to Namalsk. I have checked all the spawn locations and they are for DeerIsle. Thanks in advance
  6. setman

    Database Creation

    Hi Guys, I am running my own Dayz Servers. I know years ago I could make my own Database in MySQL. Is that still possible?
  7. setman

    InitGlobals Server Crash

    I have the same error, running 33 mods and soon as I try to install another it crashes with the same error above.
  8. setman

    Expansion BaseBuildingPlus

    Hi, I have been trying to add BasBuildingPlus Mod to my expansion server, but it keeps crashing. I know base Building is in expansion, but can you not add the base Building Plus mod to it? UPDATE GOT IT WORKING FRESH INSTALL FIXED IT.
  9. setman

    Storage_1 files damaged

    The Omega Manager shuts it down, not shut what command they are using
  10. setman

    Storage_1 files damaged

    Its running on Omega Manager, with BEC. the BEC start.bat has : start Bec.exe -f Config.cfg --dsc
  11. setman

    Storage_1 files damaged

    Hi guys, I am running a Expansion Chernarus Plus, and it seems like every time there is a update to Dayz or Expansion the server won't start or crashes because the database files are damaged. It comes up with this error !!! Serious stream damage detected during load, file offset: 3f295 If I delete the storage_1 it works fine, but then of course you loose players data. Anyway to fix this? I must be not doing something right, don't think everyone is having this issue. Thanks in advance
  12. setman

    Spawngear setup in init.c - DayZ Server

    Do you still need to use the #include "$CurrentDir:\\mpmissions\\Expansion.ChernarusPlus\\expansion\\ExpansionObjectSpawnTools.c" ? It is not included in the new Expansion files. Thanks in advance
  13. setman

    Battleye # 148

    I keep getting this Battleye error from my server, can't find anything about it on the internet. I have reinstalled the game a few times. Battleye: PublicVariable Valve Restriction #148 Any ideas?
  14. Great Site! ! ! Cool People.....
  15. setman

    ip address's

    Anything on this?