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About bellicosity

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. bellicosity

    Rocket Regarding Infected People

    Its late here in Japan, but I will return to this thread tomorrow to add a few more links to better give other players an idea of the vision Rocket has so we can better hone in on suggestions he'll actually consider.
  2. bellicosity

    An explosive getaway

    I hate to be the architect who had to design against those specs. "So you need me to build this to withstand WHAT?"
  3. bellicosity

    Knowledge / Learning

    Now that just avoids the topic at hand. Just because there is no mechanic for it currently doesn't mean there can't be. Im sure bringing up food/drink before he implemented was though of the same way... why bring attributes into a game like this? But just like food or drink you need knowledge to survive an apocalypse like the one in DayZ. Why cant that be implemented just like drink/food? Its not as transparent as food and drink are regarding mortality but its just as much a factor in mortality/survivability.
  4. Here's a few of his posts regarding the infected people (AKA Zombies) so everyone can get an understanding of his take on his game. Might help coming up with ideas that he will actually agree with as well. The threat in this game should be the people, not zombies They are not classic zombies requiring only headshots or other fantasy kill shots/mechanics. They are infected people They are not dead nor are they Romero style zombies He is modeling the zombies off 28 days later and has a lifecycle planned for them if he can bring it into the game I will update this list with anything else I find regarding HIS thoughts on the infected people in this game. Hopefully this will help steer us in the right direction. If anyone else finds some posts of his regarding this subject or thoughts on his vision, please post them here so I can help keep it updated.
  5. More sounds for actions the better imho
  6. bellicosity

    An explosive getaway

    God no. People would abuse this in an instant, destroying groceries, hospitals, deer huts, you name it. They already TRY to do it with barbed wire Edit: Small anti-personnel mines (non damaging to structures) and traps would be alright, but nothing as large as C4
  7. bellicosity


    It has that for the pigs/cows/etc as well. I wonder when he's gonna get around to updating that. Would solve the OP's problem too I'd think
  8. bellicosity

    Let friends spawn together

    You are no more than a 30 minute run from each other no matter where you spawn. Also death is the only real hard consequence in this game, shouldn't make it any easier.
  9. bellicosity

    Zombies Should Run Inside

    Im back and forth on this one. I get why having them run inside would add to the realism of it, but right now thats the only real way to deal with a horde of them (other than getting friends). Thats where my other side comes in and says well then it would be a good thing, encouraging teamwork. Like I said, back and forth...
  10. bellicosity

    Nemesis: A mega-zombie

    They are not zombies. Rocket seems (imho) to get quite annoyed when they are brought up as zombies. They are infected people That being said, I like the idea of adding more varied and dangerous infected so if this could be added in a manner that works well, all for it.
  11. bellicosity

    More Infected People Types

    Agree I feel like i'm killing Jamie Hyneman from Myth Busters over and over
  12. bellicosity

    One mega server for all persistant items ?

    Rocket talked about this specifically. He created a test server that spawned in every place-able item from every other server and even just by himself it was unplayable. Maybe in another 10 years with stronger hardware or faster internet, but with today's technical limitations. I'll dig up his post if I can find it Edit: FOUND IT!
  13. bellicosity

    More Infected People Types

    Hey man, if it changes things up Im for it. Could also change it to 1. See a survivor creeping through town 2. Shoot nade infected near him 3. If it hurts/kills him awesome, if it doesnt it still attracts a horde to kill him 4. ???? 5. Profit
  14. bellicosity

    Knowledge / Learning

    Exactly. To be fair to Victor though, I do like his ideas and I really dont see any reason why his and this could not work together. Im personally qualified to work on Hueys IRL (though I currently work C-130's) and I can tell you that I'd be impressed with anyone who knew what they were doing to fix one with scrap metal, let alone someone who didnt have a clue. They aren't easy pieces of machinery, and the skin of the bird isn't the most important part when it comes to actually flying it. The fact that every character happens to be a master jack of all trades just detracts from the realism, I think.
  15. bellicosity

    Knowledge / Learning
